


2012-07-19 · 華語/其他音樂

愛的靈魂觸動 Touched by love’s soul將愛化成音符 撫慰孤單的靈魂 看見回家的路 -yashuTransferring love into melodies,guiding the lonely souls,to invision a way home. –yashu 紓壓/舒眠/自療Releasing Stress/ Lullaby/Self Healing推薦文 Reference精誠所至, 金石為開. 用自己心底最真誠的呼喚與祝福來激盪那些曾經經歷過同樣遭遇的人, 並幫助他們走出痛苦的深淵. Faith moves mountains. Through this music, Harmony used her calling and blessing from her innermost self to touch those who have been through similar experiences and to lift them from the painful chasm.--周德愷博士 Dr. De Kai Chou 美國自然醫學會副總裁及遠東區執行董事Vice president of American Naturopathic Medical Association and Executive Director of Far Eastern Region繼好聲幸福專輯之後一個很好的續集. 這專輯音樂確實進入了靈魂深層微調內在的核心問題, 使身體自我療癒, 讓缺乏的部分重新填滿新的愛與能量 ,高度推薦給家庭治療和呼吸練習A splendid follow up to “Music of Loving Energy”, this album really travels deep within the soul to find the core troubles and allows the body to heal internally by filling the void with new found love and energy. Highly recommended for home therapies and breathing exercises. --蔡明興醫生 Dr. Christopher M. Tsai 生物及生命科學學士 美國脊骨神經醫學博士 B.Sci,DC, Doctor of Chiropractic音樂『自療』祂不是『治療』。治療是被動依賴性。『意識音樂自療』是開發出一個人與身俱來就擁有的自我療癒與潛能。『意識音樂自療』的精髓是透過『意識與無意識生物灵能禪動法』 。經由三種嶄新特殊的技術,把一個人表面意識潛意識與深層意識裏千百年來所囤積的負能量,透過六識感官與感知作用一次釋放出來。而語騫的音樂,更強化了『意識音樂自療』的特效性。第一次聽見語騫的音樂,我跟夥伴說這是來自天堂的音樂。第一次看見語騫,我跟她說:『妳是上帝派來人間的天使』。過去第一次做音樂自療是十年前,用我老師奧修的音樂。現在第一次我用語騫的天樂,圓滿了我對音樂自療的宿願。未來第一次我願語騫的天樂,帶領我寧靜安詳的回去。Music is a self- healing process, it’s not a treatment. Treatments are passive and dependent. Conscious Music-based Self-Healing aims to develop the natural abilities and potentials that we are born with so that we can heal ourselves. The essence of conscious music-based self-healing is to release the negative energy accumulated for thousands of years within a person’s conscious and sub- conscious mind.It uses three innovative techniques that are based on the “natural meditation states inherent to our conscious and unconscious mind”, All of these states employ the five senses together with the mind.Harmony’s music strengthened the specific effects of the conscious music –based self-healing. When I first heard Harmony’s music, I told my friends this was music from heaven. When I first met Harmony, I told her, “You are an angel sent by God from heaven”. Ten years ago, when I first started music-based self-healing, I used the music by my teacher Osho. Now I am using Harmony’s music for the first time, fulfilling my dream for music-based self-healing.My wish is that Harmony’s music can help me rest in peace when I’m ready to leave this world for the first time.--徐謙 Walter Shu Founder of Conscious Music-based Self-Healing 意識音樂自療創辦人 溫暖之音,是心靈的安慰。平靜之樂,是心靈的依歸。柔軟之心,讓愛得以滋長。喜樂之情,開啟生命之光!這是語騫獻給大家的音樂心情。Warm music is the solace of the mind, Peaceful music is the home of the mind,A soft heart nourishes growing love,Happy thoughts illuminate our existence!This is the musical sensations offered by Harmony to us all! --李明蒨老師 Michelle Lee, Musician & Composer 音樂家、 音樂作家 曲目 Program1.愛織海 A Sea Woven by Love 編曲:Grace Ho Music arranged by Grace Ho 獻給感情豐富又容易受傷的人. Dedicated to those of us who are full of emotion but easily hurt. 人們以自殺止息痛苦, 是因為不知如何面對處理自己的情緒風暴,痛苦時帶著覺察呼吸 ,深深感受呼吸時肚子上下起伏的動作.將注意力放在丹田, 放下念頭. 吸氣時, 感覺肚子升起 . 吐氣時, 感覺肚子下去,專注於呼吸 ,可以停止思想. 強烈情緒升起時, 擁抱自身, 專注於呼吸 ,直到暴風雨過去,約5至8分鐘情緒風暴會過去. 若每天十分鐘正念呼吸, 觀照自己的苦或樂的情緒. 每當有痛苦升起時, 可覺察擁抱這痛苦, 和它打招呼 , 會很有幫助. --一行禪師Pain can sometimes be so unbearable that, when people do not know how to deal with their emotional storms,they even kill themselves. When in pain, be aware of your breathing and feel the movement of your abdomen up and down. Focus your aura,leave all thoughts behind. When you breathe in, feel your abdomen rise. When you breathe out, feel your abdomen fall. Concentrate on your breathing. While doing this, you can also see if you can completely stop your thoughts. When you feel an emotional urge, embrace yourself, and concentrate on breathing for about 5-8 minutes, or until the storm blows over.If you breathe like this for 10 minutes everyday, observing your sad and happy emotions,then when your pain increases, you will notice it and will be able to embrace and greet it. This will be very helpful. –Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh2. 微笑著愛的家 A Home of Loving smiles 編曲: Grace Ho Music arranged by Grace Ho For this song,we dedicate love to all families 獻給所有家庭的愛 3. 愛還在 Love is Still Around 編曲: 王思恆 Music arranged by Scott Wang 愛我們的人他們的愛永遠活在我們的心裡. Love given to us from our loved ones forever lives in our hearts 一行禪師對失去所愛的人說:" 他們仍活著, 他們仍活在你身上. 你活得好, 他們也就好.自己能享受生命的美好, 逝者也能同享受生命的美好, 逝者的家人也能從中得利.可以練習在每天的呼吸中表達愛 . " From Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh ,to those who have lost their loved ones, “They are still alive; they are in you. If you live your life beautifully, their lives will also become beautiful. Their families will also benefit. Practice expressing love through your daily practice of breathing.”4 .心禮 Gifts along the way 編曲: Grace Ho Music arranged by Grace Ho 獻給需要支持的人. For those who need support5.回來吧!孩子 Come back !My child 編曲: Grace Ho Music arranged by Grace Ho 孩子,回來吧! 爸媽都愛你! My child, come back. Mommy and Daddy love you!6 地球愛語 Loving words from the Earth 編曲: Jasmine Jiang Music arranged by Jasmine Jiang 地球之母獻給我們的愛. Love,sent from Mother Earth to us 7.生生世世的愛 Love,expressed through different lives 編曲: 傅冠豪 Music arranged by Edmund Fu 獻給想要享受愛自己, 享受自然無負擔的愛的人. 也獻給有過痛苦回憶, 想遺忘過往痛苦的人. For those who would like to experience love for themselves that is natural and burdenless;and for those who wish to move beyond painful memories of the past. 8.愛織家 A Home Woven by Love 編曲: Jasmine Jiang Music arranged by Jasmine Jiang 願全天下所有家庭都充滿愛 . In hopes that all the families in the world,can experience love. 9 天使之音 Angel Voices 編曲:George Lu Music arranged by George Lu 天使的祝福 Blessings from Angels10.愛沒有距離 Love without distance 編曲:Grace Ho Music arranged by Grace Ho 獻給想要放鬆的人. A song for relaxation語騫音樂功效如下:The Harmony Kang’s music effects are as follows: 1. 啟發自癒力,有助身心靈恢復健康平衡. Helps the body, mind and soul to return to equilibrium.Self healing. 2. 專輯中若有某些曲子讓您感到難過.請持續重複聆聽,每天至少十五分鐘,ㄧ直聽到聽這首曲不再讓您感到難過爲止. 這音樂像是悲傷的橡皮擦,能隨著聆聽次數的增加,悲傷遞減至完全消失.另外對有痛苦卻哭不出的人,這音樂有助於釋出淚水痛苦恢復平衡.這音樂釋放創傷的方式是讓你再經歷一次痛苦,那痛苦就釋放了.If there are certain songs on the album that makes you feel more emotional, please repeat the song continuously for at least fifteen minutes a day, listen to this song until it no longer stirs these emotions. This music is like an emotional eraser, which helps the body resolve its emotions the more you listen, the more the sorrow diminishes until it disappears. In addition, for those who have pain but can't cry, this music helps to release the pain of tears and restore balance. The way this music releases trauma is to let you experience another pain, which releases the pain.3.深度助眠 深度放鬆效果.Allows deep sleep and stress relieve. 4.以耳機聆聽或睡覺時聽效果最好,CD片效果最佳.改善半枯的花, 加速花開 For best results, please use ear sets or listen while you sleep using a CD. Improve fertility of plant lives, can restore plants and speeds up the blooming process.5.若當天聽完十五分鐘以上後 ,若仍感到悲傷,請接著聽其他語騫專輯中輕鬆的音樂,直到心情恢復為止.If you still feel emotional after listening to fifteen minutes or more on the same day, please listen to the rest of the Harmony’s easy music until the emotion is restored.6.若您聽過一段時間後開始感覺不出效果,是因這音樂已為您完全調整好它所能調整的了. 每首曲子能調整的部分不同,這時建議聽語騫的其他專輯 :好聲幸福、行走在愛之中、愛的呼喚、回家,以繼續調整其他尚未調整的部分 If you haven't feel the effect after listening to it for a while, it's because the music has been adjusted to you. Each tune works of different levels of the mind. It is recommended to listen to other albums: Happiness,Love Calling, On the pathway of love, Home bound to continue to adjust other unadjusted parts.語騫幸福療癒音樂FB Harmony Kang’s love healing energy music FB『語騫自設的靈魂程式,須由跨過靈魂的傷痛,看透人性中最黑暗面的弱點,經歷此最深而真實的感受,作出動人的音樂,敞開人類最真實的恐懼—失去自我的方向或價值,會帶給人類如何的毀滅與破壞,如同人類如何毀滅我們生存的外在與心靈環境,透過最傷痛的音樂性,喚醒人類最深層的無意識,以保存人類文明的財產與無上的精神智慧,未來的語騫會是偉大的音樂家,可以為人類找到內在的方向和價值。」 李桂枝老師Harmony Kang’s spiritual program requires her to overcome spiritual pain, witness the dark, vulnerable underbelly of humanity, and experience the deepest and most authentic feelings in order to produce music that tugs at the heartstrings of mankind and exposes its most genuine fears. The loss of direction and value in oneself can lead to self-destruction just as we humans destroy the external and spiritual environments we reside in. Through these melodies of utmost sorrow, the deepest parts of our unconscious mind are awakened to retain the wealth of human civilization and its supreme spiritual intelligence. In the future, Harmony Kang will achieve greatness as a musician by helping mankind discover its inner direction and value.語騫能量音樂聽後感想:我是一個長期被憂鬱症和失眠困擾的人,平常若我憂鬱症的藥沒吃,我會有傷害性的行為,像是用頭撞牆享受頭痛的快感,藉由痛苦來感受我仍然活著.憂鬱症和失眠困擾了我十五年之久,我一直找不到可抒發情緒療癒的方式.我曾上過醫院的自我療癒課程-森田療法(一個月不說話, 真實面對自己)和馬偕醫院課程DBT(治療課程).另外還有心靈課程,包括Asia Work的覺醒 蛻變.直到我接觸語騫的能量音樂,這聽來輕鬆無負擔,加速釋放我對愛的恐懼,有時聽著聽著竟沒吃安眠藥就睡著了.平常我失眠藥量很重,醫生說我的藥可以迷昏四頭牛.當我終於找到這音樂後,我相信自己還有被愛 被尊重的自己找回來了.原本不吃藥會撞牆 享受痛感 現在不會了 以前想自殺也自殺過 但聽兩個月後 已不想自殺了 且開始享受到生命的美好 我非常感謝生命中出現這樣的音樂和語騫,她讓我見證這世界上還有奇蹟.我現在每天持續聽他音樂,繼續藉這音樂自我療癒, 這比以前好太多了.謝謝更高能量給我的禮物及語騫的音樂. –LilianA review of Harmony Kang’s spiritual healing music: I am a long-term sufferer of depression and insomnia. Normally, going off my medication would result in harmful behaviors, such as slamming my head against the wall for the rush of pain through my head just to feel alive. I could not find a medium for catharsis and healing in my fifteen longs years of suffering from depression and insomnia. I had tried attending self-healing courses in hospitals—Morita therapy (not speaking for one month and facing one’s introspections honestly) and the Dialectical Behavior Therapy course at Mackay Memorial Hospital—as well as spiritual courses such as Asia Work’s Awakening and Transformation courses. But then I discovered Harmony Kang’s positive energy music, whose soothing melodies helped release my fear of love; sometimes it lulls me to sleep even without sleeping pills. My usual dosage of insomnia medication was incredibly heavy, enough to knock out four cows according to my doctor. When I finally discovered this music, I started feeling loved and respected again and I no longer feel the urge to slam against the wall to feel pain when I’m off medication. My recurring suicidal behaviors and thoughts stopped after two months of listening and I started experiencing the wonders of life. I am very grateful for the presence of Harmony Kang and her music in my life, for she showed me that miracles do happen. I continue my self-healing by listening to her music every day, and my life is so much better than before because of it. I am so thankful for this gift from the higher power and for Harmony Kang’s music. — Lilian其他聽後感想:康語騫 Harmony Kang愛的療癒音樂作曲 全球和平聯盟和平大使、美國自然醫學會台灣分會保健師、臼井、卡魯那靈氣 師父級英國TQUK心理諮詢師Love healing energy music composerAwarded the Ambassador of Peace by the Universal Peace Federation,Fitness and Health Pro of ANMA, Master level of Usui Reiki and Karuna Reiki




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