


2020-07-15 · 其他音樂

Prince Siddhartha The Musical《釋迦牟尼佛傳》音樂劇since 1999Prince Siddhartha – the musical, a full-length musical in Mandarin, created and produced by some of the best talents from the Malaysian music, television, theatre and dance scenes.The musical received overwhelming responses and rave reviews when it premiered in Kuala Lumpur in October, 1999, as well as when it toured Singapore, South Africa and Indonesia.Over 100 thousands audiences were deeply moved and greatly inspired by the poetic depiction of the sojourn journey of Prince Siddhartha in ancient India. Prince Siddhartha gave up a life of prestige and wealth to go in search of truth in life, and eventually became one of the greatest teachers of all time.Prince Siddhartha – the musical is essentially an Eastern story re-told and staged in a Broadway musical style. Presented by a cast of award-winning and/or professionally trained performers, the show also features a captivating music score putting together classical, new- age and ethnic elements, vibrantly coloured stage design, lavish costumes and advance animation effects. Easily accessible to all, Prince Siddhartha – the musical has gained high acclaims on both its artistic and entertainment values.《釋迦牟尼佛傳》改編自星雲大師的同名著作。劇情描述賢明的净飯大王和賢慧的摩耶夫人膝下猶虛,一個月圓的晚上,王后做了一個奇特的夢,一位長得儀表堂堂的人物,乘坐白象緩緩而,王后果然夢熊有兆。太子誕生了,命名悉達多,舉國歡騰。然而,被净飯大王視為繼承王位的太子,雖然生活在豪華的宮殿里,卻生性悲天憫人,喜歡思考,更不時提出各種問題,想知道生命的意義。他偶然目睹生、老、病、死,看到人生的悲苦。為了尋求解脫之道,他毅然放棄一切,歷經12年的艱苦修行後,終得正果。這齣宏偉華麗的音樂劇在馬來西亞、新加坡、南非以及印尼巡回演出時獲得好評如潮。超過100,000觀眾為劇中詩意盎然的氣氛,以及斑斕的聲光色影所震撼,更為古印度悉達多王子毅然拋棄榮華富貴,出家追求生命真諦的偉大事跡而深深感動。《釋迦牟尼佛傳》音樂劇是一場動人心弦的視聽享受,也是一次藝術與心靈的結合,絕不容錯過!



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