2015-11-20 · 古典音樂
Andalucía: I. Tou Pikramenou "He with the sorrow"
Andalucía: II. Antonio Torres Heredia I "Capture of Antonito el Camborio"
Andalucía: IV. Antonio Torres Heredia II "Death of Antonito el Camborio"
Andalucía: III. Xamos apo Agapi "Death for Love"
Andalucía: V. I Kalogria i Tsigana "The Gypsy Nun"
Andalucía: VI. Tou Anemou ke tis Penemenis "The Wind and the Gypsy Girl"
Andalucía: VII. I Pandermi "Desperately alone"
Epitafios, No. 2: Heili mou Moskomyristo "Your Fragrant Lips"
Epitafios, No. 3: Mera Magiou "A Day in May"
Epitafios, No. 4: Vasilepses, Asteri mou "My Star, You Have Set"
Epitafios, No. 6: Sto Parathyri stekosoun "You Stood at the Window"
3 Songs: To Gelasto Paidi "The Laughing Boy"
3 Songs: Silva
3 Songs: Irthan i Anthropoi "The One Who Was Taken by the Road"