Soul of Ears

2016-12-17 · 華語/搖滾/獨立/實驗

Soul of Ears - 來自香港的唯美電子潮扣樂團揉合了Post-hardcore, pop punk, EDM, 甚至gaming music的電音潮扣新貴樂團Soul of Ears於2016年12月推出處女EP “Collide”。無論你是什麼類型的樂迷,也總能在他們的音樂裡找到自己喜歡的風格。剛於2016年首次登上台灣山海屯音樂節的Soul of Ears為六人的香港樂團,色彩迷幻的形象是他們的標誌。不失傳統重型樂隊的結他節奏,新式金屬的咆哮風格,跟琅琅上口的主音旋律的同時,也加入了近年風靡全球的電子舞曲元素。無論electro、trap、dupstep和trance等等,都能在不同的歌曲裡面找得到。加上現場跳動的氣氛帶動,跟他們十分著重的視覺效果和色彩配合,他們的音樂能帶給觀眾一個新奇的感觀體驗:彷如在夜店裡搖著頭聽金屬音樂,或是在邊跳舞邊打電動。。。在未來,他們會繼續緊貼最前衛的國際文化,解造他們的獨有音樂世界觀,顛覆傳統樂隊概念,帶給觀眾更多高質素的音樂創作和現場體驗!12.17 台灣首發,全球數位平台緊隨同步上架!讓你重新定義重型音樂的華麗一面!“IN SONIC WE UNITE!”Soul of Ears - the trendiest EDM-core band from Hong KongCombining elements of post-hardcore, pop punk, EDM or even gaming music, Soul of Ears is releasing their debut EP “Collide” on 17th of December 2016. The most exciting part of the band is their innovative style of music. No matter which genre you are into the most, you can always find something electrifying you in their music.With the debut performance in Heartown Festival 2016 in Taiwan, Soul of Ears established their significant image which impressed many. Preserving the heaviness of guitar riffs and screaming vocals from modern core music, and with the super catchy pop punk style chorus melodies, the Hong Kong band also injected a lot of EDM music elements into their tunes. Electro, trap, dubstep or trance can all be discovered upon listening to various tracks from the EP. Along with their emphasis on visual and lighting effects in live performance, you can definitely feel their colourful world. You would probably feel like head-banging in a nightclub, or sometimes gaming in a neon party with everybody bouncing in front of their computers…Soul of Ears will never cease to find brand new inspirations to add into their music, so as to present the audience a next-level experience of modern music culture.2016.12.17 “Collide” EP grand premier at Taiwan, and available immediately afterwards on all digital platforms all over the world, recreating your concept on heavy music!IN SONIC WE UNITE!




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