


2013-08-02 · 古典音樂

為臺灣這片瑰土譜寫一張專輯是Cicada創作首腦江致潔醞釀多年的夢想,此張《邊境消逝》正是她走遍臺灣西部沿海,取其詩意,拾景為曲的土地概念專輯。開場曲〈沿著風與沙〉以風吹沙似粗礪質地的大提琴破題,輔以中提琴、小提琴幽緩聲線,頗得信步沙洲之意境。〈當羣鳥掠過天邊〉以清澈透明的鋼琴琴音,撥雲見日,海天一色,絃樂群勾勒羣鳥齊飛翱翔的姿態,振翼的意象,煞是動人。在以綿密絃樂群描繪雲林成龍溼地柔軟質地的〈在海與土地之間〉,還有用冷靜筆觸觀照沿海景致的〈那些逝者彎曲的倒影〉之後,〈當叢花毅然綻放〉改採絕望哀傷的情緒,層層交疊出雲林麥寮的現狀,隨著演奏力度不斷增長,一股渴望絕處逢生的韌性,終於綻放希望枝枒。終曲〈匯流向海〉雖為內心憂鬱的D小調,卻以強烈的節奏流轉營造鼓舞人心的生命熱力。特別收錄的〈浮游在海上的島嶼/潛沈於水下的人們〉為三年前的EP同名歌曲,這是Cicada以土地議題為創作發想的初衷,也是《邊境消逝》的起點,在新加入中提琴編制後重錄此曲,既是回顧,更是創作者念茲在茲的自覺。綜觀臺灣古典樂、室內樂、獨立音樂圈,這張《邊境消逝》的創作與演奏,既細膩、深沉且大器、完整,確實是張難得的概念專輯,值得所有熱愛臺灣這片土地的耳朵聆聽再三。Jesy Chiang has always dreamt of dedicating an album to Taiwan's graceful landscapes, composer and leading member of Cicada. To this end, she visited many coastal wetland areas in western Taiwan, immersing herself in its poetic landscape. These visits became the inspiration behind the group's new release “Coastland”. The opening track “Flying Sands” begins with a coarse and grainy bass line, later joined by violas and violins. The upbeat “Flapping Wings” features the crystalline notes of a piano and the high soaring sounds of string instruments mimicking a flock of birds flying through scattered clouds. The continuous and tender sound of the string instruments in “Close to the Wetland” brings to life the softness of Cheng Long Wetland Park in Yunlin County. In “Withered Reflection”, Taiwan's western coast is musically depicted with a gentle touch, while the next song “Blooms in Dark” is suffused with despair and sadness, creating an image of Mailiao, Yunlin County, allowing listeners to capture a moment of hope as the song proceeds. Despite the melancholy composition in D minor, the last song “Into the Ocean” crescendos with an uplifting energy with its strong, pulsing rhythm. The bonus track “Over the Sea/Under the Water” was the first song of Cicada released three years ago as part of their first EP. Inspired by Taiwanese environmental issues, it was the starting point for “Coastland”. After the new violist joined the band, this track was re-arranged and re-recorded for the new album, as a reminder as to where it all started.The concept behind the music and the performance in “Coastland” are exquisite, profound, and grand──fans of classical music, chamber music and independent music will all relate. A truly extraordinary conceptual album that will be on repeat by those of who devote their love to Taiwan.




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