


2017-06-30 · 華語/搖滾/獨立/實驗

總不希望6月天,我們才想起你。 但在6月天,總會自然的想起你。 一曲兩詞兩種編曲手法,就是《家駒》與《六月》。 聽著主音唱起第一句歌詞,不用猜疑,兩個版本都是馬來西亞音樂人Ziyan Tung擔任主唱。 香港創作人伍正文除負責作曲、編曲及監製外,亦有參與鼓和Keyboard的樂器錄音,而結他、Bass則交由Angus Hung彈奏,讓歌曲豐富扎實,Full Band的Version呼應Beyond樂隊的曲風,也與國語版本作出一個顯著的對比。 專輯封面出自香港資深漫畫主編──戇男,在他筆下活現出港漫與個人筆觸的家駒插圖風格。 《家駒》(廣東話版‧填詞人) 關栩溢:「六月,思憶季節。聽Beyond長大的一群人,在這個回憶的雨季,創作了一首向家駒致敬的作品《家駒》,讓這六月的天空,泛起思念、泛起夢想。 這季節,踏著家駒的軌跡,仰望著、努力著。」 《六月》(國語版‧填詞人) Jim:「Beyond和家駒對我或地底樂團影響深遠,只想將國語版本的《六月》告訴家駒,香港現在已變了這樣…」 Do not want June days, we think of you. But in June the day, always think of you naturally. One of the two words of the two arrangement, that is, "Ka Kui" and "June". Listening to the first song sang the lyrics, do not doubt, two versions are Malaysian musician Ziyan Tung as lead vocal. Hong Kong creator Ng Ching Man in addition to responsible for the composition, arranger and producer, but also involved in the drum and Keyboard instrument recording, and guitar, Bass by Angus Hung playing, so rich songs rooted, Full Band Version echo Beyond band Of the style, but also with the Mandarin version to make a significant contrast. The cover of the album comes from Hong Kong's senior comic book editor - On Nam, in his pen to live out of Hong Kong Man and personal strokes of the Ka Kui illustrations style. "Ka Kui" (Cantonese version) HY Kwan: ​​"June, Si Yi season. Listen to Beyond grew up in a group of people, in the memory of the rainy season, created a tribute to the karaoke works" Ka Kui ", so that the sky in June, Dreamed of. This season, marching the horse's track, looking up, and strive. " "June" (Mandarin) Jim: "Beyond and Ka Kui have a far-reaching impact on me or underground, just want to tell the country version of" June ", and now that Hong Kong has changed ..."

家駒 Feat. Ziyan Tung

家駒 Feat. Ziyan Tung


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