

惘聞 Wang Wen

2017-08-31 · 華語/搖滾/獨立/實驗

《奇跡尋蹤》In Course Of The Miraculous 是惘聞樂隊的首張電影原聲加現場即興實驗專輯。《奇跡尋蹤》是藝術家程然的壹部9小時電影,惘聞受邀完成了壹場長達1小時的水面聲音實驗現場並成為電影片尾曲而收錄於專輯當中。除此之外原聲專輯《奇跡尋蹤》中還包含了惘聞為電影完成的氛圍配樂作品。 --- “《奇跡尋蹤》對惘聞來說是壹個非常有趣的嘗試,也是惘聞正式發行的首張配樂作品,更為特別的是這裏面也包括了我們根據影片做的壹次主題式的現場即興演出錄音” 在著手開始這個盒子裏面的音樂創作之前,我僅僅讀了電影腳本。然而惘聞真正開始切入這部電影卻是從2015年5月31日在阿榮影棚的那場即興演出開始。 演出前的壹周我和吉他手耿鑫壹起去了阿榮影棚看場地,那時的北京已經有30度了,我們剛結束巡演,頭天晚上壹夜未眠,然後直接被車拉到了壹個不知道是哪裏的地方,壹切感覺都太不真實了。不過幸運的是我們來看了場地,這才讓我們重新更改了演出計劃。因為面對壹個近千平米,挑高近20米的空曠廠房,以及地面上人工制造的“汪洋大海”,我們之前的演出設計瞬間變成了廢紙。 於是接下來壹周的準備時間,樂隊開始以“海洋”為主題來構思這個特別的演出。我們壹起重新看了電影腳本,以及部分未剪輯的影片,最終我們決定構思四個場景然後以即興的方式來演繹主題。 演出是5月31日下午2點鐘開始,當我們7個人走到水面之上的舞臺拿起各自樂器的那壹刻開始,我們每個人就像是大海裏面的壹條條小船,迎著風和浪的方向吹響了號角。 開始為這部影片寫其他場景音樂的時候,大連回聲圖書館的窗外雪花正在飄,冬天來了。於是所有的炙熱和寒冷最終都被收進了了這個黑膠盒子。 我們特別要感謝以下各位,是妳們讓這壹切成為了現實:程然、孫怡、鄧成龍、陳楠、河岸、小可、Robin Staps、王亞楠、廖智輝…… --- 惘聞 2016年3月22日於旅順 <In Course of the Miraculous> includes the soundtracks Wang Wen wrote for the film <In Course of the Miraculous> directed by Cheng Ran, plus one hour experimental live recordings for the film. --- “Course of the Miraculous” was an interesting experience for Wang Wen as it was the first time we recorded a movie soundtrack.  Even more interesting is that we completely improvised the soundtrack to a musical theme based on the movie.     Before we set about putting this project in motion (the result of which you are holding in your hand right now), we first had a quick read-through of the movie's screenplay.  But our part in this story didn't fully begin until when we set foot on the stage at the ARong space on May, 2015.  The week before the performance, Gen Xin (Wang Wen's guitarist) and I went to check out the space where we'd be playing. I remember it being 30 degrees in Beijing at the time and we just got back from a European tour and had no sleep from the night before. We took a van to the address we were given and when we got there we had no clue where the hell we were. Everything felt surreal.    But things started to look up after we set eyes on the ARong space.  The huge 1000 square meter stage surrounded by a 'vast ocean' (an in-door pond that the ARong space crew had created). After seeing this, we felt a huge wave of inspiration come over us and any ideas we previously had for this performance went right out the window. From then on the theme was the 'vast ocean'.   We began reading the script over and over again and watched countless montages of the movie's edits. In the end, we decided to create 4 different scenarios and tie them together with an improvised music set.   We performed on the 31st of May, 2015, at 2pm. From the moment the seven of us stepped on that stage with our instruments, standing over the water, we felt as though we were tiny boats on the vast blue sea, sounding our calls in the face of the relentless wind and waves.   We embarked on this journey at our Library (Echo Books) in Dalian when it was deep into the cold winter. During that time, all of our warmth and creativity went into the vinyl your holding now.   Huge thanks to everyone who help made this happen: ChengRan, SunYi, Deng Chenglong, Chen Nan, He'an, Xiao Ke, Robin, Wang Yanan and Liao Zhihui.   --- Xieyugang, 22nd March 2016,Lv Shun


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