2018-03-02 · 古典音樂
Amor vittorioso
Lirum bililirum
Il bianco e dolce cigno
La Bella Franceschina
Ultimi miei sospiri
Alla cazza
Or si rallegri il cielo
Fine Knacks for Ladies
Who Made Thee, Hob, Forsake the Plough?
Of All the Birds
Too Much I Once Lamented
Fair Phyllis I Saw Sitting All Alone
The Silver Swan
Now is the Month of Maying
La Guerre
La, la, la, je ne I'ose dire
Bon jour et puis, quelles nouvelles
Mignonne, allons voir si la rose
Il est bel e bon
Margot labourez les vignes
Un gentil amoureux
Faulte d'argent
La tricotea Sanmartin la vea
Triste estaba el rey David
Cucú, cucú!
Tres morillas m'enamoran
Fatal la parte
La Bomba
Tanzen und Springen (Instrumental Version)
Vitrum nostrum gloriosum
Ach Elslein, liebes Elselein
Ach, weh des Leiden
Das Gläut zu Speyer
Herzliebstes Bild
Tanzen und Springen
Das Gläut zu Speyer (Vocal Version)
Hertslieb zu dir allein
Ein guten Rat
Ich klag den Tag
Jungfrau dein schöne Gstalt
Ich armes Käuzlein kleine
Ach weh des Leiden
Frau, ich bin euch von Herzen hold
So trinken wir
Ihr Brüder, lieben Brüder mein
Dindirín, dindirín
Fa tal le porte
A los maitines era
La bomba
Ora, sus, pues que ansí es!
Lágrimas de mi consuelo (1st & 2nd versions)
Yo con vos señora
Falai, meus olhos
Ave color vini clari
Domine Dominus Noster
Adoramus te Christe
In pace, in idipsum
In hora ultima
Ad te levavi oculos meos
Te Deum laudamus
Plainchant - Praeter rerum seriem
Motet - Praeter rerum seriem
Resonet in laudibus
Pelli meae consumptis carnibus
Christus resurgens ex mortuis
Tibi laus, tibi gloria
Magnificat - Praeter rerum seriem
Bon jour et puis quelles nouvelles?
Bon jour mon coeur
Dessus le marché d'Arras
Il était une religieuse
Au feu, au feu, venez-moi secourir
Paisible domaine
O vin en vigne
Vignon vignon vignette
La nuit froide et sombre
Quand mon mari vient
Toutes les nuits
Musica, dei donum optimi
Matona mia cara
Come la notte ogni fiamella
Chi chilichi?
Cantai hor piango
Ardo sì, ma non t'amo
Hört zu ein news gedicht
Ein guten Rat will geben Ich
Im Mayen
Omnia tempus habent
The Lamentations of Jeremiah: Part 1
The Lamentations of Jeremiah: Part 2
Gradualia ac cantiones sacrae, Book 1: No. 29 Gaudeamus omnes
Cantiones Sacrae, Book 2: Nos. 20 & 21 Ne irascaris, Domine
Cantiones Sacrae, Book 2: No. 31 Domine, salva nos
Cantiones Sacrae, Book 2: No. 32 Haec Dies
Manuscript Collection: No. 18 Vide, Domine
Gradualia ac cantiones sacrae, Book 1, Part 2: No. 5 Ave Verum Corpus
Festa, riso
O dolce vita mia
Tri ciechi siamo
Pavana d'España
Chi la gagliarda
Gagliarda seconda
L'amanza mia
Parmi di star
Corten espadas afiladas
Ave virgo sponsa dei
Catalina, Catalina!
Ricercarda quarta
O dolce vita
Toccata e gagliarda
Qual dolcezza giamai
Fantasia No. 10
Non t'aricordi
Chi passa per 'sta strada
Vecchie letrose
Balletts to Five Voyces, Book 1: No. 4 Sing We and Chaunt It
Madrigals to Foure Voyces: No. 22 On a Fair Morning
The Second Set of Madrigales: No. 20 Oft Have I Vowed
Songs of Sundry Natures: No. 13 Is Love a Boy?
The Third Booke of Songes: No. 7 Say, Love, if ever Thou didst find
Ballets and Madrigals, Volume 1: No. 1 All At Once Well Met Fair Ladies
Canzonets to Four Voices: No. 20 Construe My Meaning
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 15 Lord, When I Think
Canzonets or Litle Short Aers to Five and Six Voices: No. 12 Cruel, Wilt Thou Persever
The Second Book of Songes: No. 12 Fine Knacks for Ladies
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 18 Strike it up, Tabor
Balletts to 5 Voyces, Book 1: No. 17 I Love, alas, I Love Thee
The First Booke of Songes or Ayres : No. 12, Farewell, Dear Love
Songs of 3, 4, 5 and 6 Parts: No. 4 See, See the Shepherds' Queen
First Set of Madrigals: No. 12 Have I Found Her
The First Set of English Madrigals: No. 15 Lady, Your Words Do Spite Me
Songs and Psalms: No. 26 Were I a King
The Firste Booke of Songes: No. 17 Come Again Sweet Love
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 7 Tan ta ra, Cries Mars
The First Set of English Madrigalls to 4, 5 and 6 Voyces: No. 14 Why Should I Love?
The First Sett of Italian Madrigalls Englished: No. 28 This Sweet and Merry Month of May
Balletts to Five Voyces, Book 1: No. 3 Now is the Month of Maying
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 14 Four Arms, Two Necks
Ballets and Madrigals, Volume 1: No. 8 Hark, all Ye Lovely Saints
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 20 Since Robin Hood
Canzonets or Little Short Songs to Three Voyces: No. 23 Though Philomela Lost her Love
The Second Set of Madrigales: No. 27 O Wretched Man
Madrigalls to Fovre Voyces: No. 13 Weep, O Mine Eyes
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 25 The Nightingale
26 Ayeres or Phantasticke Spirites: No. 6 Come Sirrah Jack, Ho
The First Set of English Madrigals: No. 24 Cruel, Behold My Heavy Ending
First set of Madrigals to 4 Voices: No. 14 Fair Phyllis I Saw Sitting All Alone
L'ultimo dì di maggio
Un cavalier di Spagna
Vezzosi augelli
Valle, che de lamenti miei
Mentre il cucolo
Chi la gagliarda (Vocal Version)
Chi chi li chi
Festino nella sera del Giovedì Grasso avanti Cena, Op. 18: XII. Contrappunto bestiale alla Mente
Mascherata de cacciatori
Matona, mia cara, mi follere canzon