2018-05-14 · 華語/搖滾/獨立/實驗
「停駐、觀望;游移、前行;等候、醞釀。 狀似遲疑,卻明白知道,終究你會前來,與我相望。」 瑪啡因第三張EP作品《我就這樣在這裡等著》,收錄了三首歌〈膨脹〉、〈煙花〉、〈我就這樣在這裡等著〉。以植物意象貫穿作品:萌芽的醞釀與等待、綻放前的猶豫不明與當下的一瞬爆炸;視覺以若有似無的花為核心,一如既往瑪啡因給人的曖昧印象,對比的色塊卻比起過去更為直接、強烈,如同歌曲狀似猶疑最終卻是篤定。 無論是萌芽或綻放,都是久候的一瞬,期待你的聆賞。 “I’m here waiting still”is Maffine’s third EP, which includes three songs: “Inflation”, “Firework”, and “I’m here waiting still”. The main concept was derived from the imagery of plants: the uncertainty before sprouting as well as the fugitive of blooming. By the three songs, Maffine draws a picture which is perplexing but more direct and intense than any previous attempts.