2018-08-17 · 華語/搖滾/獨立/實驗
像是小水滴 蒸發 凝結 再降下 在生命的循環裡頑強地走著 即使成了大雨奮力沖刷 也改變不了陰晴圓缺 即使成了大浪放聲咆哮 也改變不了風的方向 用倔強固執的聲響向現實發牢騷 躁鬱 搖滾 抒情 染上白日夢 成為一場又一場的大雨 Evaporate, condense, then fall As reincarnation of a water droplet fearlessly goes Into cloudburst aspiring to wash it all away But still the moon grows and wanes Into tsunami roaring at the top of voice Yet detoured not is the wind that blows A far cry in the face of reality with stubborn songs Paranoid, funky, sentimental tinged with daydream A downpour there will be Time and time again...