2018-09-07 · 華語/流行音樂/獨立/實驗
晚上十點,街頭演出剛剛結束。樂隊主唱李新一邊和樂團成員收拾設備邊用人聲即興模擬哼出了二胡的音色,於是吉他手容天佑配合著彈出了五聲音階的吉他分解和弦。在經過填詞和修改之後,樂團成員一起完成了這首《家鄉的姑娘》。最終版的作品中二胡的聲音貫穿始終,一方面突出樂團成員對家鄉的思念,同時也希望透過音樂傳播中國文化。 歌詞則是透過高度擬人的手法將家鄉隨時間的改變體現出來,令人不禁自問家鄉是否還是以往的家鄉,自己又是否還是曾經的自己…經歷多年風雨,對那個熟悉的地方仍舊深深地眷戀著,只是所眷戀的可能已經不再。對家鄉的思念、對兒時的回憶、還有印象中開始模糊的那些人和事,越遙不可及越令人嚮往。或許真的只有得不到和永遠失去的,才令人懂得珍惜。 Just another evening, the band has just finished another busking session at 10pm. When lead vocalist Stanley Li started jamming by imitating the sound of traditional Chinese instrument erhu (Chinese violin), guitarist Tin stopped packing up and played alone. After revising the lyrics and melody, Hometown Girl was recorded at the band's home recording studio. Erhu is also featured in the final version of recording to emphasize the band’s Chinese origin and promote Chinese culture through music. Metaphors are used in lyrics throughout the song to describe fading memories about hometown by simulating what looks like a letter for a crush one used to have on. This song is dedicated to the past, a past full of all the memories about where one grew up and the people one grew up with. Probably all due to the fact that it is something one will never experience again, memory is such a precious thing to revisit what made us who we are today, making it satisfying even to just go through in our minds, mixed with good feelings as well as sadness.