


2018-01-18 · 華語/流行音樂/獨立/實驗

這首歌的概念源自日本一款基於東方人隱晦而含蓄的社交禮儀與文化習慣的奇妙遊戲。 是陳陳陳首張個人專輯《單人撲克》中的一首單曲重新編曲的版本,不同的是這一版用了電子舞曲的風格,加入了豐富的電子元素,像是一個“忽略空氣”的不安份子,斷裂的機械音和飄忽不定的節奏,把同樣的歌詞唱成了衝破人際關係迷霧的堅定之歌。 《閱讀空氣》的MV陳陳陳邀請了魔性導演陳喆進行合作,並親自出鏡。氤氳的霓虹光影幻變,靈魂出竅般的視效在急促有力的拍子之間乍現,正像歌詞中所唱“靈魂渴望彼此的撫摸。極不自然的戲謔,擋在前面”。 你是選擇小心翼翼地保持距離,還是用共情能力打破僵局?這是陳陳陳用音樂給出的回答。但不論哪個版本,脈絡裡始終流淌著一貫的乖張與思辨性。避免循規蹈矩的旋律和歌詞上的押韻,加上一反常規的編曲讓人腦洞大開。作為哲學博士和藝術家的陳陳陳用做學術一般的嚴謹態度細細打磨他的“太空民謠”,從嘗試開始在他所擅長的氛圍和實驗音樂裡融入更入耳的元素,到創造出豐富完整的個人風格——用理性的歌詞描述人與人之間的情緒和猜忌,再用迷離又溫暖的音符打破你對音樂認知的邊界。 The concept originated from a wonderful game based on the obscure social rituals and cultural habits of the Orientals. It's a remix version of a single song in Chen Chen Chen first solo album"One Man Poker",this version is a electronic dance style, adding a wealth of electronic elements, such as a restless ignoring-the-air elements.Broken mechanical sounds and erratic rhythms, made it a firm song that broke through the fog of human relationships by singing the same lyrics. As for the MV of Reading the Air ,Chen Chenchen invited the magic director Chen Zhe to cooperate and performed in it personally. While neon light and shadow of the eminent illusions changes, surreal visual effect presents along with the swift and powerful tempo, just as the lyrics sang“Souls long for mutual caresses. The way is blocked by an irony that is extremely unnatural. ” Do you choose to stay cautiously or use empathy to break the deadlock? This is Chen Chenchen's answers given with music. Regardless of which version, the context is always arrogant and speculative. Avoiding ritual rhythms and rhymes on the lyrics ,subjoin an anti-conventional arrangement make people open a big brian hole. As a Ph.D. and artist, Chen Chenchen uses his academic rigorous attitude to polish his "space ballads”. From trying to integrate more ingenious elements in the ambience and experimental music he was good at,to create an abundant and complete personal style - Chen Chenche uses rational lyrics to describe the emotions and suspicions between people, and then use blurred and warm notes to break the boundaries of your knowledge of music.




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