


2018-11-09 · 華語/流行音樂

★ 2013年金曲獎 評審團獎等三項大獎★ 2017 奧地利格拉茲國際現代阿卡貝拉大賽 爵士組世界金牌你的南方在哪裡?你的靈魂說什麼話?在一切喧囂繁華之外,我們的歌聲陪著你經歷快樂悲傷。那天。在過了六年之後,終於、終於決定出第二張專輯。這六年當中當然發生了許多事;有人來來去去、維繫的那些斷裂又重新拼貼;歌是唱了又停、停了又唱。當然,專輯製作的過程不總是燦爛明亮,我們走過低潮、經過幽谷,製作人:家慶的身體狀況,更是我們最為憂心的一環。而作品是必須完成的,如同我們這一路從未放棄歌唱一樣。就算困頓又失落,我們仍相信那一點點的微光,相信我們對音樂的堅持,相信我們的執著會值得,相信會完成一個美麗的紀錄。今天。你手上這張漆黑帶著微光的專輯,是我們在很深很黑感覺無光的夜裡,用盡心力唱給你的歌,願你聆聽時,如同我們一般,在音樂裡感受到光、感受到希望。Where is your south?What does your soul say?Leave behind the hustle and bustle, and our voices will accompany you through happiness and sorrow.That day......We finally made the decision, after six years of contemplation, to release our second album. So many things happened during those six years: people came and went, things fell apart and were put back together; and the singing started and stopped, and then started all over again. Of course, the process of making an album cannot always be full of brightness and light; for there are low tides and valleys, too. Our greatest concern through it all was the health of our producer, Jia-Ching. But the work had to be completed, so we never gave up singing. Even at times when we were worn out and at an utter loss, we still believed in that spark. We believed in our commitment to the music, knowing that our persistence would bear fruit and that we’d be left with a beautiful record of all that had transpired. Today...... The album in your hands, black and shimmering, contains songs that we sang for you with all our hearts on the deepest, darkest of nights. We hope that when you hear them, they will bring you the same light and hope they brought to us.關於「歐開合唱團」歐開合唱團(O-KAI Singers)成立於2004年,曾受邀至北京、上海、桂林、東莞、無錫、常州、香港、澳門、韓國、日本、新加坡、加拿大、法國、德國、英國、芬蘭、荷蘭、菲律賓、印尼、馬來西亞、越南、柬埔寨等城市巡迴演出外,更創下華人最高獲獎紀錄,囊括海內外三十六項國際大獎。2018年成為現代阿卡貝拉音樂商業製作品牌 “CHVOCALS 金卡”旗下簽約藝術家(由葉微真、李湘君、葉孝恩、馮瀚亭四位團員組成)。/重點關注/ 2017 奧地利格拉茲國際現代阿卡貝拉大賽 爵士組世界金牌冠軍(史無前例由華人獲獎) 2016 台灣國際重唱藝術節-世界盃現代阿卡貝拉大賽金牌第一名、最佳主唱獎、最佳舞臺呈現獎 2016 菲律賓薄荷國際合唱節比賽(BICFC)-流行音樂/爵士音樂冠軍 2016 ⾹港國際無伴奏合唱比賽-公開組/人聲樂團(國際賽)冠軍 首張專輯《O-Kai A Cappella》獲: 台灣第24屆GMA金曲獎 2013評審團獎、最佳演唱組合獎、最佳原住民語專輯獎 三項大獎 台灣第24屆GMA金曲獎 2013最佳新人獎、最佳專輯製作人獎、最佳編曲人獎提名 美國CASA評選為CARAs 2013最佳爵士專輯 台灣中華音樂人交流協會 2012年度十大專輯




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