睡眠古典 - 睡前用放鬆靜心

睡眠古典 - 睡前用放鬆靜心

Various Artists

2019-03-21 · 古典音樂

精選連續一小時最放鬆舒眠的古典音樂,輕聽由巴哈、舒曼、舒伯特、布拉姆斯、薩提、聖桑、普契尼、孟德爾頌…等古典大師所帶來的經典古典樂曲,搭配鋼琴、大提琴、小提琴、豎琴等溫暖樂器演奏聲響,讓沉靜優美的旋律陪伴您徹底釋放疲憊身心,酣甜進入夢鄉。推薦您亦可在任何需要放鬆、安靜、冥想、閱讀的時刻作為背景音樂使用,或在臨睡前,用來幫助撫平腦中停不下來的思緒,緩和心跳節奏,沉澱心靈。 One hour of select classical melodies that will relax you and get your body and mind ready forsleep. Enjoy classical masterpieces by greats such as J.S. Bach, Johannes Brahms, R.Schumann, Franz Schubert, G.Puccini, Mendelssohn, Eric Satie and Charles Camille Saint-Saens. Serene, graceful melodies with the warmth of such instruments as the piano, cello,violin, and harp will thoroughly relax every part of your exhausted body and mind, allowingyou to slip into a deep slumber. It is also great as background music anytime you wish torelax, have some quiet, meditate, or read. Regardless of how you use it, it is a great way towind down your constantly running mind, bring down your heart rate, and soothe your spirit.



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