2019-06-21 · 華語/搖滾/獨立/實驗
一條路,一個人,在加上一段故事,我們的每一首歌都是我們對於不同事情的價值觀或是想法,寫出我們身在這城市裡,對於城市所帶來的喜怒哀樂。 環繞在都市生活中的各種故事,寫出小人物平凡卻真摯的日常、描繪出那些特別且平淡,卻也無法忽視或逃避的事。 利用爽快鼓點搭配緊緊包覆的Bass line、細膩不花俏並富有情緒的吉他solo並混合濃烈且直接的節奏吉他、低沉的嗓音唱盡社會中各種屬於你我的故事。 這張專輯包含一開始稚嫩的我們,到出社會後心境的變化。 希望聽我們歌的每一個聽眾,都能從歌曲中去思考,去喜歡或討厭、去相信或否定,世界上每一首歌曲都是一篇故事,不管這篇故事是簡單或複雜,唯有聽過,才能獲得屬於你自己的人生價值。 A lonely person on an endless road with a single story. Each of our songs is our thoughts to different point of views. They are the reflections of all the emotions around us. Expression of any nobody's daily life, it's ordinary, but you can't ignore or get rid of. Using the refreshing drum beats to match the tight bass line. The emotional guitar solo includes the strong and direct guitar sound, delicate but not fancy. Our deep and charming voice expresses the story belongs to you and me in the city. This album includes all the transformation in different steps of our lives. We hope our audiences can think after listening to our music. No matter you like it or not, believe or deny. Each of the songs in the world is a single story. No matter how simple or complicated it is, you can only get the value of your own by listening to it.