


2019-07-25 · 演奏/心靈紓壓/演奏/心靈紓壓

美國自然醫學會副總栽及遠東區執行董事周德愷博士慎重推荐 Highly recommended by De Kai Chou, vice president of American Naturopathic Medical Association and CEO of Far East Region 音樂療法之所以有轉化聽者情志的能力,就在於音樂的同質原理, 著者以其親身經歷的體驗,借助上蒼給予的靈感,譜成這些曲目,對於曾經心靈遭受過創傷的人來說,自有其一定之功效。 Music therapy has the capability to transform the emotions of its listeners. It is homogenous and derives from its composer's spiritual experiences and inspirations which help to transcend those who have gone through emotional pain and distress. 蔡明興醫生 美國脊骨神經醫學博士 Christopher M. Tsai, B.Sci, DC ,Doctor of Chiropractic 很好的音樂作品! 這音樂有助於身、心、靈的療癒過程,讓我們的身體自體內重新連結,當我運用這音樂在做情緒平衡調理(Network Spinal Analysis)個案時,這音樂會加速磁場波動,讓身體更快復原。 當孩子在課業學習上有無法集中精神的狀況時,這音樂也是有幫助的。 高度推薦給做有關身體自我修復力治療的治療師或醫生使用。 Great composition! It helps the the healing process of the mind, body and soul; allowing our body to reconnect with our body’s own innate. Utilizing the music during Network Spinal Analysis helps speed up the entrainment process allowing the body to heal faster. Kids who have difficulty concentrating during school work also benefits from these music. Highly recommended to any therapist or doctors that work with the innate intelligence of the body. 泓斌中醫診所中醫師 順勢療法醫師 李泓斌 Dr. Hong Bin Lee, Homeopathic physician, Hong Bin Chinese Medicine Clinic 音樂,可以撫慰人心,語騫的音樂,可以帶您到心靈深處,進行一場愉悅的心靈之旅。 靜坐練功、整理醫學資料是我平時未看診時所做的醫術及智慧提升法,為了深入浩瀚的書海,擷取虛空境界的能量,聆聽音樂是輔助我精進的一項好工具,它可快速讓腦波由α波進入θ波,除了讀書效率倍增外,大大小小的負面情緒也跟著消退。您也想體會內心自在昇華的感覺嗎?這片CD,將能許您一個美妙的開始。 Music has the potency to bring solace to people; the music of Harmony is the kind of music with the capacity to take you on a joyful spiritual journey, and lead you to the depths of your soul. Meditation practice as well as sorting out medical data are things that I do regularly, whenever I am not seeing my patients,to help bring me insights and deeper understanding of the power of healing. Listening to music is a great tool;it helps me further grasp the depth of many profound books, and capture the energy of the void. In addition, it helps various negative emotions dissipate, and increase reading efficiency while rapidly allows brain wave to transmit from one to another. Do you wish to experience the sublimation of inner peace? This CD can help you with a wonderful start. During listening to my music, if you feel depressed, this is our mind processing previous pains, once the pain has been released, tranquility will come. 若您聆聽我音樂會感到悲傷 這是釋放傷痛的過程 釋放後你將會有較好的身心平衡 During listening to my music, if you feel depressed, this is our mind processing previous pains, once the pain has been released, tranquility will come. 若您能每天持續聆聽我專輯中讓你感到悲傷的音樂至少十五分鐘 慢慢的你會發現聽音樂時悲傷的感覺減少了 內在重獲新的能量 新的平衡 If you listen to my album and you feel depressed, continue listening for at least 15 minuntes. Slowly you will hear the joy in the music and the pain will begin to fade and our mind will be at peace. 音樂效果分享:我曾有盆花約一週都含苞未放,創作時我試著將花放一旁,約三小時後等我忙 完,我才發現花都已全開,大家不妨也測試看看。 -語騫 Sharing on the effect of music: Once I was creating music, I put a pot of flowers which had not bloomed for one week next to me; I found that after three hours of working on my music, they were in full bloom. -Harmony Kang 音樂功效如下: 1.有助身心靈恢復健康平衡,啟動自癒力 2.專輯中若有某些曲子讓您感到難過.請持續重複聆聽,每天至少十五分鐘,ㄧ直聽到聽這首曲不再讓您感到難過爲止. 這音樂像是悲傷的橡皮擦,能隨著聆聽次數的增加,悲傷遞減至完全消失.另外對有痛苦卻哭不出的人,這音樂有助於釋出淚水痛苦恢復平衡.這音樂釋放創傷的方式是讓你再經歷一次痛苦,那痛苦就釋放了. 3.深度助眠 深度放鬆效果. 4.以耳機聆聽或睡覺時聽效果最好,CD片效果最佳 5.改善半枯的花, 加速花開 6.若當天聽完十五分鐘以上後 ,若仍感到悲傷,請接著聽其他語騫專輯中輕鬆的音樂,直到心情恢復為止. 7.若您聽過一段時間後開始感覺不出效果,是因這音樂已為您完全調整好它所能調整的了.每首曲子能調整的部分不同,這時建議聽語騫的其他專輯 ,以繼續調整其他尚未調整的部分 The music effects are as follows: 1. Helps the body, mind and soul to return to equilibrium. 2. If there are certain songs on the album that makes you feel more emotional, please repeat the song continuously for at least fifteen minutes a day, listen to this song until it no longer stirs these emotions. This music is like an emotional eraser, which helps the body resolve its emotions the more you listen, the more the sorrow diminishes until it disappears. In addition, for those who have pain but can't cry, this music helps to release the pain of tears and restore balance. The way this music releases trauma is to let you experience another pain, which releases the pain. 3. Allows deep sleep and stress relieve. 4. For best results, please use ear sets or listen while you sleep using a CD. 5. Improve fertility of plant lives, can restore plants and speeds up the blooming process. 6. If you still feel emotional after listening to fifteen minutes or more on the same day, please listen to the rest of the easy music in the album until the emotion is restored. 7.If you haven't feel the effect after listening to it for a while, it's because the music has been adjusted to you. Each tune works of different levels of the mind. It is recommended to listen to other albums: Happiness, On the pathway of love, Love Calling, Touched by love's soul , to continue to adjust other unadjusted parts.




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