2019-09-20 · 華語/流行音樂/獨立/實驗
由陳穎達領軍、作曲、以搭配活躍的爵士演奏家謝明諺、池田欣彌、林偉中的四重奏的形式,繼前兩張分別獲得2015、2018年金音獎肯定的專輯《R.E.M MOODS》、《動物感傷》後,今年推出他們的第三張作品《離峰時刻》。 他們為專輯中的音樂發明出『公路音樂』的說法,將公路電影與公路文學除了名稱、連關鍵的精神性元素也借來使用,像是截取各式公路旅行的經典情境,往更深層的不論是狂喜或絕望鑽去,時而表現明快的節奏與速度感,時而有著因背負之沈重發出的歎息。四位演奏者具有嚴謹的爵士演奏背景,決定走向爵士樂的終極精神——變革,做出屬於這個時代的聲音;同時遵循傳統地在即興演奏中追求極致,在同步錄音中用音符展現每日經自我訓練而來的技術與美學主張;《離峰時刻》是張無需人聲與歌詞便能以多層次的弦律與和聲變化體現一場魔幻公路之旅的專輯『離峰時刻讓我想起了那次獨身的午夜旅程,當夜晚蒞臨寧靜大地,當吉他手入座客廳沙發,這般樂音總能讓我的心靈自由、精神漫遊。』 國 / 落日飛車*本專輯由文化部影視及流行音樂產業局補助;網址:www.bamid.gov.twGuitar/Compositions Ying-Da ChenSaxophones Min-Yen HsiehBass Guitar Ikeda KinyaDrums Wei-Chung LinWe always categorize this music under “Road Music,” a genre that has yet to exist. It is a concept borrowed from “Road Movie” and “Road Literature.” It is because of the nature of the term itself that the “Road Music” on this album is calming and suitable for car drives and pulls from the essence of road movies and literature. It is like a traveler, leaving all behind in search for a new horizon, with secrets he can’t tell.. It is how the view and events along the way impact his soul and mind. The pieces you are about to hear were conceived in such a mindset, and played by 4 instrumentalists with a jazz background, including myself. What we are essentially trying to recreate are the ups and downs along the road, as if it were happening right this moment; and if we are lucky, maybe we will be able to amplify the essence of the story.