


2019-10-30 · 演奏/心靈紓壓

在邁入第十年之際,Cicada從大海走向山林──日出、濃霧、傾盆大雨、夕陽雲海……都引領著他們,一步又一步,俯瞰我們的家。走入山林的他們說:「這不是件容易的事。」─── 罡愷「逃離都市進到山裡,原來還有更多值得在乎的事。」 ─── 桃子「另一個全新於尋常的世界是如此的靠近。」─── 謝維「感受山與海,才能理解我們從何而來。」─── 致潔山說:「我帶給你的禮物是無盡的美景。」「世界如此遼闊,我會包容你的一切。」「我想讓你知道富饒的意義,帶你用不同尺度和價值觀衡量事物。」「這是一張讓你聆聽、感覺、靠近我的專輯。」從第一張 EP 開始,Cicada談感情、聊動物、踏察西海岸、潛入太平洋……直至2019年,全體團員以雙腳深入臺灣的山脈,負重尋找創團十年的至高美景。為了《走入有霧的森林》,他們揹上自己的恐懼和慾望,臣服於未知的身體和天候條件;上行、下行、日升、日落,一行人自願受苦、積極做工,將一幕幕依時序開展的山中光景與體感經驗譜成彼此共享的登山日記:中海拔的迷霧林道、終年有水的水源地、浮在雲海與光暈上的斷崖、日出閃耀金黃的頂巔、收攬左右視野的稜線、樹根與石縫交會處的綠色鋪面、烏雲聚集的驟雨一瞬、深夜山屋裡的非人派對、白雪覆蓋的無人圈谷……山行者們謹慎、迷茫、雀躍、坦然、清晰、安詳、靜默……究竟你我所能聽見的,是山的聲音,還是登山者的聲音?是自然的召喚,還是人們自賦意義的追尋?是誰的意圖?誰的堅決?誰的山色?誰的光環?誰的壯麗?誰的悸動?答案也許在山裡,也許不在,然而唯有親身走進山中,往高處爬向海拔三千,人們始能憶起這些人為限度中所能觸及的無盡風景,甚者,讓經驗與體感匯聚於指尖,祈請那既可獨享、亦可合鳴的樂句與聲息自然降臨。EN“Hiking in the Mist” is a hiking journal Cicada wrote with music for the mountains in Taiwan. Cicada walked through misty forest, rested by streams, admired clouds during sunset in North Dawu Mountain and encountered sunlit grassland at Qilai south peak. They hiked up to the ridge line overlooking the city, met wildlife in the cabin, experienced pouring rain and snows in cirque... Growing up in an island with more than 260 peaks over 3000 meters in height, it's always been in our mind to be surrounded by nature and write about the mountains. At the 10th year of Cicada, we arise from the ocean and step into the forest. Everything we experienced in the wilderness led us to seek within.關於Cicada成軍於2009年,Cicada以鋼琴、木吉他、小提琴、大提琴四種樂器交織而成。之所以取名為Cicada(蟬)是因為,人們察覺到蟬的出現,往往是聽到牠們的聲音,而不是看見其形體。2013年,Cicada開始為台灣的土地創作,《邊境消逝》的主題是西海岸,《仰望海平面》描繪的則是台灣的東海岸,以及包圍東部小島的太平洋,這兩張專輯皆用一種擬人化的方式,想像這片土地面對各種變遷時的心路歷程,並集結為《Ocean》,由日本廠牌Flau發行。2016年,以「告別」為主題的合輯《Farewell》,從EP《Over the Sea/Under the Water》(2010)、專輯《散落的時光》(2011)與《一起走吧》(2012)自選十四首曲子,重新編寫與錄製。2017年,Cicada試著描述人類與海洋的關係,以及動物們的處境,在專輯《不在的你們都去了哪裡》中,不僅有來自海洋的鯨豚、珊瑚與海龜,也有居住在城市的貓與山林中的鳥。在邁入成團第十年之際,Cicada從海洋走向高山,於2019年推出以台灣的山林為主題的《走入有霧的森林》。此專輯如同透過音樂撰寫的登山日記,試圖用更遼闊的視野,描繪他們的家園。Cicada from Taiwan was formed in 2009 consists of violin, cello, acoustic guitar, and piano. It's named after Cicada because people are aware of cicada's existence by their sound instead of forms.In 2013, Cicada began to compose for Taiwan. The theme of “Coastland” was the west coastland in Taiwan, and “Light Shining Through the Sea” was inspired by the east coast of Taiwan and the Pacific Ocean. These two albums personify the land and portray the feeling undergoing all the changes and damages. We later collaborated with the Japanese label flau to release “Ocean” based on these two albums.In 2016, Cicada selected 14 songs from “Over the Sea/Under the Water”, “Pieces” and “Let’s Go!” with the new recording and production to make the album “Farewell”. In 2017, “White Forest” was dedicated to animals including coral reefs, sea turtles, humpback whales, dolphins, as well as cats in the city and birds in the mountains. Cicada walked into the mountain from the ocean on the 10th year and released “Hiking in the Mist”. It's their hiking journal with intention to depict their homeland with expansive views.




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