


2020-05-18 · 華語/流行音樂/獨立/實驗

“人類的母語是詩歌,如同花園早於競技場 ,繪畫早於文字創作 ,演唱早於辯論 ,寓言早於論文 ,以物易物早於商業行為…” —J.G Hamann 結束了城市中的流浪,巴奈搬回故鄉,在起點定居。台東,和台灣西岸城市隔著兩座山脈,位於菲律賓版塊的前端,屬於另一個隨著潮汐韻律呼吸舞動的次元。海岸山脈像側臥的美人,伸展著美麗的曲線眺望太平洋,由於美人與海洋日日相伴,山谷間的子民時常拉著手大合唱大跳舞。在此,巴奈的音樂生命以一種有機隨性但聚焦的方式展現獨特樣貌:參與部落歌謠採集、策劃東海岸音樂季、在都蘭舉辦音樂創作營。在東海岸這片台灣原生音樂的沃土上,浪濤聲的吹拂中,巴奈以自然農法耕耘撒種,讓更多呼吸著這片湛藍的朋友,多一種在情緒中穿游感受的方式。有別於上一張的自彈自唱,這張專輯中的歌曲皆來自和她同樣選擇在台東生活的朋友們,大部分的人是在音樂創作營中經過一百多個小時的共同探索後第一次寫歌。這些歌曲的畫面排在一起,像極了一張海邊生活風情畫。生活在太平洋前一個安靜的小村,在詩鄉裡,享受獨處時光的慢郎中們,在海洋的律動與歌聲中,聆聽著島嶼的古老脈動。探索的旅程中,大家在自己內在與外在取下了一些片斷,一起拼成了海邊生活的歌之版圖,月光、銀河、淚水、裙擺、蝸牛、記憶、夜風、啤酒、都蘭灣…… “Humanity’s mother tongue is song and poetry, as gardens become sports fields, paintings become alphabets, expression becomes debate, fables become dissertations, barter becomes commerce…” —J.G Hamann panai is an aboriginal folksinger from the relatively undeveloped Southeast coast of Taiwan. After some years of urban nomadicism in the North, panai moved back to Taitung, the countryside of her origin. Seperated from Taiwan’s industrial cities by two mountain ranges, Taitung sits at the edge of the Phillipine tectonic plate, and still exists within the rhythms of tides, breath, and dance. The coastal mountains extend North from Taitung like a melody, reclining like the profile of a woman gazing at the Pacific—valleys scroll down from the mountains to the sea, where people still hold hands to sing and dance together. Here, panai’s musical life has absorbed more organic, open forms of expression—collecting local folksongs, singing in music festivals, organizing local songwriting workshops. panai has cultivated the rich musical soil of Taitung and broadcast seeds over it, incorporating the emotion and experience of local friends who are also breathing in this piece of blue. Unlike panai’s first album of her own songs, these songs were written by friends who’ve also made the choice to live in Taitung. They were written during panai’s songwriting workshop, a creative exploration of each individual’s response to this remote stretch of coast. Lined up together, the songs on “A Piece of Blue” are a tableau of life in a quiet village on the Pacific Ocean, within a blue sea- and skyscape, where there is time for solitude and leisure, where life moves within the hush and sway of the ocean, the obbligado of ancient island rhythms. Through these songs, each of these friends contributed an image to this tapestry that captures and evokes life by the sea, with moonlight, the milky way, bottles of beer, and the evening breeze across Dulan Bay…




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