2020-05-20 · 華語/搖滾/搖滾
閃靈於2019年底於總統府前凱達格蘭大道攜手交響樂團舉辦大型戶外演唱會的現場實錄。特別來賓包括血肉果汁機主唱GIGO、歌手何欣穗、余天,以及回歸的二胡手趙甦農。 演唱會實錄能清楚感受當天現場五萬人的熱情吶喊,也有交響樂團的澎湃起伏,而曲目的編排也呼應了主唱Freddy在國會中推動平權、正義與自由等價值。是近年來甚少登台的閃靈最經典的一場演唱會。 It’s the video recording of Chthonic’s large outdoor concert in front of Taiwan’s Presidential Palace with a symphony in 2019. Special guests in the concert include GIGO, the lead vocalist of Flesh Juicer, ciacia, Yu Tien, and Sunong, Chthonic’s ex-hena player. Through the video you could feel the excitement of the 50,000 people there, and the surging melody by the symphony. The songs performed echoed values that Freddy pushed forward in the Parliament—equal rights justice, and freedom. This is the most classic concert of Chthonic in recent years.