시티펑크 (City Punk)

시티펑크 (City Punk)

위댄스 Wedance

2020-06-18 · 韓語/流行音樂

身體僵硬?那緩慢的從手指開始到腳趾進行拉伸吧。深深得吸氣,然後呼氣,感受清晰的視線。熱身後,突然想到了一個令人興奮的主意。那就去做他吧。不要站著不動! city punk 是由生活在城市並熱愛城市的人們創建出來的。 與City Pop相比,City Punk更好。我們怎樣才能在這個城市裡獲得更多樂趣?無論身在何處,希望今天也能發現許多激動人心的事物。 Got a stiff body? Stretch slowly, starting from your fingers and toes. Breathe deeply in and exhale to feel things become clear and more apparent in your gaze. I warmed up and suddenly got an exciting idea. Then let's go and do it. Don’t just stand around! City Punk was created by people who live in and love living in the city. City Punk is better than City Pop. How can we have more fun in this city of ours? I hope you can find many exciting things to do today, wherever you are.


시티펑크 (City Punk)


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