Micro Planet

Micro Planet

Cosmic Latte

2020-08-28 · 演奏/心靈紓壓

地球太危險,那就閉上眼,前往一顆無憂無慮的微型星球吧!★星際感當代療癒音樂計畫★融合電子元素,混搭舒壓新風貌★一個概念,三種想像,跨領域音樂人帶你穿梭小宇宙親愛的旅人您好,我們即將告別太陽系的軌道。請記得地球的美麗與善良,也請記得陽光的和煦、生命的氣息,但關於那些複雜又瑣碎的煩惱,就暫時封裝,讓它們成為身後的太空垃圾吧!提醒您,在廣闊的宇宙之中,我們是一粒星塵,即便如此渺小,但在更微觀的世界裡,我們也坐擁著整座小宇宙。請務必放鬆,放逐意識飄浮,我們已經邁入浩瀚無垠的星際,相信你會與那顆屬於自己、生意盎然的微型星球相遇。☆微型星球漫遊指南☆第一站【Nova孵夢】地球系女聲鐵陽透過輕巧的吟唱、剔透的音色,描繪出星球初生的喜悅與純淨。隨著綿延的脈動,輕盈漂浮在溫暖的大氣層,俯瞰地表蓄勢待發的生命力。這裡的組成很簡單,有陽光、空氣、水,也有幸福、微笑、你。第二站【Quantum Jump 量子跳躍】配樂家陳依婷及陳映芝共同搬演,一場跨越星系的奇幻輕旅。浩瀚無垠的背景氛圍,對比微小量子的快速移動。聚合、擴展,都在一瞬之間。下一秒,又將跳躍到宇宙彼端的哪一段奇遇?第三站【Annular 日環】音樂鬼才蘇通達攜手跨界古箏演奏家許嫚烜,結合東方音樂元素,將古老而神秘的天文異象,賦予全新的色彩。日食之甚,大地湧動,在物換星移間,是宇宙與生命的百轉千迴,也是最不期而遇的驚豔與綻放。★ Contemporary music therapy on a faraway planet.★ Find relief from stress in electronic music elements with a new style.★ Through one concept and three imaginative songs, crossover musicians will bring you on a trip to your own personal microcosm.Within the vast universe, each of us is a mere speck of stardust. Nonetheless, the micro planet to which you are headed is yours and yours alone.☆Micro Planet Itinerary☆“Nova”Female vocalist Tie Yann’s light voice and limpid tone depict the joy and purity of your young micro planet. Upon the unbroken pulse of the music, you will float delicately within the planet’s warm atmosphere, enjoying from above a view of the planet’s vitality that is just waiting to bloom.“Quantum Jump”Incidental musicians Miogo Chen and Mimic Chen have come together in creating a journey of interstellar fantasy. In this boundless atmosphere of rapid movement, tiny quantum particles converge and spread apart in the blink of an eye.“Annular”Musical magician Gideon Su and guzheng guru Sylvia Hsu Man-Hsuan have engineered an all-new experience by blending Eastern music elements with the power of mysterious celestial anomalies from ages past.關於宇宙拿鐵把全宇宙的光源均勻攪拌後,就會得到一杯香醇的熱拿鐵。#FFF8E7,是「宇宙拿鐵」的色碼,是整座宇宙的平均色,溫和、平順、輕盈、和諧,彷彿包容了一切的可能。就像是午後一杯咖啡所帶來的悠閒,在宇宙拿鐵的維度裡,只要閉上眼,隨時都能進入屬於自己的小宇宙,無拘無束地被星際間的色彩環繞。「宇宙拿鐵」是由跨界音樂製作人許嫚烜所發起的音樂計畫,除了邀集不同領域的多位音樂人一同參與,更需要你的放空與漫遊。樂曲氛圍以清新流暢為主要的基調,佐以剔透的電子音色,開創當代療癒舒壓的全新體驗。希望能透過音樂,建構出一個人人都能自得其樂的小時空。About Cosmic LatteWhen you mix all the sources of light in the universe into a smooth consistency, what you get is a rich, hot latte.#FFF8E7 is the color code for the cosmic latte, which is the average color of our entire universe.Warm, smooth, light, and harmonious, it seems to abound with any and all possibilities.Much like with the relaxation of enjoying a coffee in the afternoon, while immersed in “Cosmic Latte,” all you need to do is close your eyes to enter a microcosm of your own, obtain release, and relish in being surrounded by the color of the universe.“Cosmic Latte” is the brainchild of music producer Sylvia Hsu Man-Hsuan. In addition to the contributing musicians from different genres, what the music really needs to take effect is for you to just forget everything and embark on this interstellar journey. The refreshing, smooth music is mixed with clean electronic music accents for an all-new stress-relief experience in contemporary music therapy. May it allow all who listen to find their own personal space in which to unwind.曲目資訊01. Nova (feat. Tie Yann)孵夢 (feat.鐵陽)帶你輕電漂浮,感受星球漫步的輕盈步態,夢想靈感的接線,在純淨喜悅裡。製作人:許嫚烜作、編曲:鐵陽女聲:鐵陽手碟:陳沛元 樂器錄音、混音後製:何慶堂錄音室:潮流錄音室Producer: Sylvia Hsu Man-HsuanMusic & Arrangement: Tie YannFemale Vocals: Tie YannHang: ET ChenRecording & Mixing Engineer: He Qing-TangRecording Studio: Trend Studio02. Quantum Jump (feat. Miogo Chen & Mimic Chen)量子跳躍 (feat.陳依婷&陳映芝)在你躍起的原點裡,盡情跳動,讓宇宙與你的電波,一起開懷共舞。製作人:許嫚烜作、編曲:陳依婷、陳映芝女聲:陳依婷混音、後製:鄭皓文錄音室:G5 StudioProducer: Sylvia Hsu Man-HsuanMusic & Arrangement: Miogo Chen & Mimic ChenFemale Vocals: Miogo ChenMixing Engineer: Howard TayRecording Studio: G5 Studio03. Annular (feat. Gideon Su & Sylvia Hsu Man-Hsuan)日環 (feat.蘇通達&許嫚烜)天上的金戒,是月亮凝望太陽的眼眸,是星際間雋永的祕語。製作人:許嫚烜作、編曲:蘇通達古箏編曲、電音效果、後製剪接:許嫚烜手碟、迪吉里杜管:陳沛元樂器錄音、混音後製:何慶堂錄音室:潮流錄音室Producer: Sylvia Hsu Man-HsuanMusic & Arrangement: Gideon SuGuzheng Arrangement, Electro Beats & Sound Editing: Sylvia Hsu Man-HsuanHang & Didgeridoo: ET ChenRecording & Mixing Engineer: He Qing-TangRecording Studio: Trend Studio風潮音樂國際股份有限公司 出版發行監製:楊錦聰製作人:許嫚烜數位產品總監:楊宜桂企劃統籌:邱亮鈞文案:邱亮鈞、許嫚烜英文翻譯:加州翻譯社英文編輯:吳素真視覺設計:呂婉柔行銷:李宗穎、楊惟琇、李昕、鄭承恩宣傳:邱懷慧企劃協力:張瀞月大陸地區行銷宣傳統籌:趙倩版權管理統籌:廖錦慧版權管理:洪佩儀Distributed by WIND MUSIC International CorporationProject Supervisor: Ken YangProducer: Sylvia Hsu Man-HsuanDirector of Digital Production: Yang Yi-KueiProject Director: Chiu Liang-ChunCopywriters: Chiu Liang-Chun, Sylvia Hsu Man-HsuanEnglish Translation: California TranslationsEnglish Editing: Wu Susan Su-ChenGraphic Design: Wanjou LuMarketing: Li Tsong-Yin, Yang Wei-Hsui, Lee Hsin, Angu ChengPromotion: Chiu Huai-HuiAssistant Project Executive: Chang Ching-YuehDirector of Promotion (Mainland China): Zhao QianDirector of Copyright Management: Liao Ching-HuiCopyright Management: Hong Pei-Yi

Nova (feat. Tie Yann)

Nova (feat. Tie Yann)


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