

惘聞 Wang Wen

2020-10-23 · 搖滾/獨立/實驗

第一次是先有了專輯名字才開始的歌曲創作,然而這也沒有幫我們確定內容的框架和邊界,大家一如既往的天馬行空起來。唯一不同的是在《十萬個為什麼》創作的兩年里,我不像以往那樣在意專輯的時間計劃和工作的節奏,開始喜歡上了這個過程本身。結果就是更多的時間在不斷的試來試去,大部分時間里歌曲本身並沒有太多進展,但這幫我解開了很多的「為什麼」。就好似「十萬個為什麼」本來的源頭 「One million Hows, two million Wheres,and seven million Whys!」總是有那麼多需要弄明白的事情,也只有浸入在這個過程里才能逐漸理清自己的思路吧。 我們一直喜歡做「專輯」而不是「單曲」,因為這需要一段相對長的過程,正是這一相對長的過程賦予了專輯「時間」的烙印。一首歌並不能記錄某個階段相對完整的思考,但一張專輯可以。而對於這張專輯里每一首歌,講述的又是各自獨立的故事,它可以是關於無數的「?」,也可以是關於遙遠處依舊需要去探尋的光亮。 2020年9月22日 謝玉崗 專輯發行:Space Circle 封面藝術:Manolo Gamboa Naon 專輯錄音:安基國 混音/母帶:Wouter Vlaeminck 錄音棚:GT Studio/M3城市音樂館 Composed and recorded during pre-pandemic time, ‘100,000 WHYS’ Wang Wen’s 11th album, heaves with beauty and intelligence. Lush, inviting, drawing on new textures and dynamics for the band, the album conjures rejuvenation and hope while holding fast to the sense of awe that suffuses their work. Each track is a new, supple equation written out with a steady hand, exact but also exacting in details that variously emerge or erupt from the core to shift the listeners perspective. This is a work born of clear thoughts stirring in busy minds. It’s also the most accessible album Wang Wen have produced so far, reaching out far to gather us all in close. The name ‘100,000 WHYS ’comes from the English poet Kipling’s verse ‘One million Hows, two million Wheres, and seven million Whys!’. ‘Under the circumstance of 2020, nothing proves better than ‘100,000 WHYS’ . Though we are living with confusion, with no sense of settlement for the unknown future, we still hope to stay curious and inquisitive.’




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