2020-12-10 · 華語/嘻哈饒舌/流行音樂
2018年,以古怪戲謔風格嘲諷政治見長的地下饒舌團體品格教育主唱湯捷推出 這張專輯,受到金曲獎得主 Leo王和熊仔等人的激賞,經歷了當兵等人生階段的轉換,中間也持續與諸多獨立歌手合作推出單曲,如與Popo J,範例三合作的 <小屌哥>等等。 在第二張專輯 <小確幸的生活>,湯捷收起了過往憤世嫉俗的筆觸,試著在2020年意志消沈的氛圍記錄生活中小確幸的片段。可能是對嘻哈圈逞兇鬥狠現象自嘲的<乖寶寶> ,描寫逢場作戲浪漫狂歡的 <天大地大> <水瓶座> ,描述現代都市人愛慾糾纏的 <時間管理> <我有一個夢> ,以及輕鬆快樂的 <沒安妮正> <出口>。 <小確幸的生活>是湯捷作為創作者新的人設,一場新的音樂實驗。俗話說「他人笑我太瘋癲,我笑他人看不穿」,在台灣嘻哈界了無新意的困局,歡迎來聽最犀利一針見血的聲音:湯捷。 Lil Happy Lif3 gained his popularity through the critically acclaimed first independent album <L.O.C.K.> in 2018, which gave him opportunities to collaborate with other prominent Taiwanese hip hop artists like Popo J ,down the way. <Lil Happy Lif3> is the second studio album published by Lil Happy Lif3 (TANG CHIEH, formerly known as FatNerdy Loser). In this album , Lil Happy Lif3 tries to capture the little pieces of happy moments in the melancholic year 2020. In this album, the artist raps about his past bad romances and his anxiety being a hipster under the traditional social norms of Taiwan, which strikes a chord with many young adults nowadays. During a time when lyricism is gradually being disregarded in Chinese hip hop, Lil Happy Lif3 resolutely adheres to his own style defined by clever rhymes and punchlines, dedicating this album as an experiment to the real struggles and emotions of modern ordinary people in everyday life.