2021-05-07 · 華語/搖滾/流行音樂
亦莊亦諧的饒舌湯總統與街聲話題R&B女伶翊庭攜手帶來屬於2021春天,法喜充滿的爵士饒舌,讓你像是在「下午4:20分上9又4分之3月台聽著JayRoll 當愛讓世界相通我變成J.Cole」 Good Shit Saves the World 是一首 適合三五好友chill 天夜遊 的充滿愛與正能量的主題曲,有如爵士鋼琴大師 Robert Glasper的音樂一般,帶你進入一場意識揚升的迷幻之旅。在悠揚的琴聲、夠勁的歌詞和銷魂的女聲中與自己的靈魂對話,詠嘆世界的美好,讓聽到的人都會幸福。 "Good Shit Saves the World" features Taiwanese conscious rapper 湯捷 (Lil Happy Lif3) and R&B diva 翊庭 (Yi-Ting) This is a tripper anthem advocating the soothing and curing effects from smoking a weed breed called "Jesus", describing the levitating experience coming with the "Good Shit" . Lyrically it is more of a piece of intricate spoken-word speech advocating the legalization of weed ,like Peter Tosh's "Legalize It". Musically the song is heavily influenced by Robert Glasper Experiment's fusion of Hip-Hop and Jazz music. Overall,The project provides unprecedented good vibes in Taiwanese music scene, with the controversial yet important social topic for its topic matter.