Sinking (feat. 陳央)

Sinking (feat. 陳央)

Keril 韋喆

2021-05-17 · 西洋/電音舞曲

〈Sinking〉是一首關於憂鬱症痛苦與黑暗的歌曲,其旋律乘載的情緒與情感十分真切,讓人揪心,也使聽眾能夠面對心裡不舒服的想法和感受。相信 2020 對許多人來說尤為艱辛,而音樂就是抒發情感與自我癒療的慰藉。韋喆說「〈Sinking〉正是描繪內心孤獨並渴望被傾聽的人的感受,不少人可以從中找到共鳴,甚至得到撫慰。」這首帶著電子跟搖滾元素的流行歌曲,成功展現 Keril 韋喆不同以往的面向,也給觀眾不同體驗。除了由美國與聖露西亞的兩位製作人合作外,還特別邀請「聲林之王 2」的陳央 YM 貢獻一段吉他 solo,將歌曲氣氛發揮地更加淋漓盡致,再次用國際化規格征服聽眾耳朵。"Sinking" is a song that captures the darkness and pain of depression. The emotions and passions driven in the melody are heart-stricken and raw and gives the audience a chance to feel and connect with those uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. 2020 was a difficult year for many and music is the outlet that releases and heals.This electronic pop rock song is a cry out song that captures a different side of Keril 韋喆 whose music intends to touch different audiences. Those who feel alone and unheard this is your song. I hear I feel you, I am you. Let the music heal.The song also features Chen Yan 陳央 (聲林之王 2) on rock guitar solo. This world-class music production features two producers, one from the United States and Saint Lucia.詞:Keril 韋喆曲:Keril 韋喆製作人:BostonBeatz & David Clark IV吉他:陳央 YM錄音工程室:聖博文創錄音室混音工程師:Philip D'Avilar母帶工程師:Keril 韋喆

Sinking (feat. 陳央)

Sinking (feat. 陳央)


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