2021-05-19 · 本土方言/搖滾
閃靈大港開唱2021現場專輯:『台灣閃閃爍』 完整收錄閃靈樂團結合唐鳳在大港開唱2021的經典演出。除了有貫穿全場的唐鳳腦控之音,為了配合整體概念,還邀請DJ KI Trust合作歌曲的改編,包括皇軍、破夜斬、暮沉武德殿、烏牛欄大護法、天誅都融入精緻的合成器音效,震洋與火燒島兩首歌曲更是進行了Drum & Bass的大幅度Remix,加上每到重點橋段皆有全場觀眾的澎湃大合唱,堪稱閃靈經典曲目的超高演繹版本。 除此之外,這場演出也是在全球疫情嚴峻的環境下,全球少數能順利舉辦的大型音樂盛典,同時也是台灣近年來堅守民主、持續進步,在國際受到肯定、發光發熱的關鍵時刻;閃靈推出這場現場專輯,希望鼓舞大家記得現場演出的激動,感受人與人之間因為音樂而有連結,讓全世界一起正面積極度過困難。 2021 CHTHONIC & CIONG ZO IDEA CORP. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 TW. 關於閃靈CHTHONIC 來自台灣的閃靈,活躍於國際音樂領域,是歐美日許多暢銷搖滾雜誌如Metal Hammer、Kerrang、Terrorizer、Burrn!、Revolver常客,數度登上雜誌封面,並獲雜誌讀者票選為全球最佳樂團亞軍。從日本Fuji Rock、Summer Sonic、Loud Park到美國Ozzfest、英國Download、Bloodstock、德國W.O.A.等,閃靈的足跡遍及世界各大音樂祭。隨著2002年唱片海外發行至今,閃靈已累積在全球超過三十個國家、巡迴超過兩百場演唱會。 閃靈作品內容以台灣神話、傳說、歷史為靈感主軸,音樂融合台灣小調、演歌、五聲音階、歌仔戲的旋律特色,並加入台灣樂器如二胡、箏、獵首笛等。除了重金屬原有的憤怒與邪惡以外,閃靈還獨有一種悲傷的情緒。國際樂評試著以Black Metal、Death Metal、Folk Metal等各種不一樣的風格來標籤閃靈,但閃靈的歌曲早已形成獨一無二的台式重金屬。 除了本身獨特的風格之外,閃靈的也常與跨國藝人合作,包括美國Lamb of God主唱Randy Blythe、吉他英雄Marty Friedman、日本的民謠歌姬元千歲、香港歌手何韻詩都出在閃靈的歌曲中獻聲。 在台灣,閃靈多張專輯都站上流行音樂排行榜,並獲得多座金曲獎,團員們也投入不同領域的事務。團長兼Doris曾是女權組織的活動代言人,也是FHM等時尚雜誌封面人物,曾獲歐美及日本雜誌選為最佳的女搖滾樂手、參與電影演出,也參與過台灣大型音樂祭的幕後策展工作。鼓手丹尼致力於培養新生代樂手的音樂教育。吉他手小黑與鍵盤手小捲常參與許多台灣樂團的唱片製作。主唱Freddy則參與國際人權、社會正義等公共事務,並於2016年當選立法委員,2020年連任。 閃靈的五位團員不同的生活背景融合淬鍊一張張深獲國內外樂迷好評的作品。日本的知名搖滾雜誌《Burrn!》曾給予超高評價:「悲傷情感與強韌魂魄的完美結合,閃靈建立其他國際樂團難以超越之高牆!」 自從主唱Freddy Lim在2016當選國會議員後,閃靈就轉趨低調運作、不再密集演出,但仍然在2018年發行專輯《政治》,提名多項台灣金曲獎、並再次獲得最佳樂團獎。2019年底,閃靈與交響樂團合作,在凱達格蘭大道舉辦「台灣大凱旋」演唱會,聚集超過五萬名觀眾,並於後在2020年數位發行現場專輯。 2021年,全球籠罩在嚴峻的covid-19疫情中。由於台灣防疫相對成功,閃靈三月參加在高雄舉辦的MEGAPORT FESTIVAL,並發行Live Album與Video。除了紀念這場全球在疫情期間難得如期舉辦的大型搖滾音樂祭,也鼓舞大家記得現場演出的激動,感受人與人之間因為音樂而有連結,讓全世界一起正面積極度過困難。 While Taiwan is considered home of Austronesian peoples, and a mystic island nation in the Orient, advanced technologies, modern cities, and upholding human rights and progressive values are also part of the image of Taiwan. The metal band Chthonic has given the best interpretation to the contrasting images of the country. Chthonic's lyrics are inspired by Taiwanese mythology, folk stories, and history, and the music incorporates elements of traditional Taiwanese folk music, enka, and sorrowful melody from Taiwanese opera, accompanied by traditional Taiwanese musical instruments, such as hena, zheng -also known as "box zither"- and pgaku flute. Also integral parts of Chthonic's music are elements from contemporary symphonic black metal, melodic death metal, blood-boiling riffs and solos. Critiques have tried to label Chthonic's music as black metal, death metal or folk metal, but Chthonic has opted for simply "metal" for its simplicity and genuineness. From Fuji Rock and Summer Sonic in Japan, to Ozzfest in the US, Download in the UK, and WOA in Germany, Chthonic has been to major music festivals around the world, and has had toured hundreds of shows in Europe, North America and Asia. It has also worked with many internationally renowned artists—Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe, Trivium’s Matt Heafy, guitarist Marty Friedman, Japanese folk singer Hajime Chitose, and Hong Kong diva Dennise Ho have all appeared in Chthonic’s works. In Taiwan, several of Chthonic's albums were on the pop-music charts, and the band has been awarded the "Golden Melody Award"-the Taiwanese version of the Grammy Award. Besides being Chthonic, band members are also active in different fields. Doris, the bassist and the band leader, has been advocating for women's rights, acted in movies, and has curated major rock music festivals; the drummer Dani is working in music education to bring up younger generation musicians; the guitarist Jesse and the keyboard player CJ are involved in production of many albums of Taiwanese bands; the lead vocalist, Freddy, is active in public affairs relating to human rights and social justice issues, and now he is a member of the Taiwanese parliament, elected in 2016, and re-elected in 2020. With exception of its earlier works, Chthonic's albums include Seediq Bale (2007), Mirror of Retribution (2009), Takasago Army (2011), and Bú-Tik (2013) were all released worldwide, with positive feedbacks from music critiques. The band has turned low-profile with reduced number of performances after lead vocalist Freddy Lim was elected into the Parliament in 2016. But it still released the album Battlefields of Asura in 2018, which won the Golden Melody Award for Best Band, as well as a number of other nominations. In 2019, Chthonic held a concert with a symphony orchestra in the square in front of Taiwan’s Presidential Office. It attracted 50,000 people, and its live video and audio was digitally released in 2020. In 2021, the world continues to be overshadowed by the severe Covid-19 pandemic. Thanks to the relative success of Taiwan's epidemic prevention, in March Chthonic was able to headline the MEGAPORT FESTIVAL in Kaohsiung, Taiwan and later released a live album and video. In addition to commemorating this mass rock music festival that managed to be held as scheduled during the pandemic, the live album also encouraged everyone to hold onto the excitement of live performances. In the album, one could feel the bond between people formed by music, and keep a positive frame of mind to make through this pandemic together.