2021-05-28 · 華語/搖滾/獨立/實驗
在《你好,陌生人》中,原創樂團我的一個朋友以自白的形式向未知,卻又近在眼前的聽者傾訴關於成長的感嘆。對於人生的答案的不解,在理想與現實的矛盾中苦苦掙扎,有多少陌生人,也在此刻經歷著你不安的種種。 Hi, Stranger by A Friend of Mine tells the struggles of growing up in first person to someone who has come across their note. Being consumed by doubts about the meaning of life and conflict between the ideal and reality, you won't know just how many others are also going through these alone with you.