Spread Your Wings 越

Spread Your Wings 越


2021-11-08 · 華語/流行音樂

“人生的意義 是要找到你的天賦 人生的目的 是要將它分享出去” 帕保羅.畢卡索 “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” Pablo Picasso 專輯名稱 : Spread Your Wings (越) Angel 迴 Helplessly Hoping 落 Love Letters in The Sand 沙 Heal The World 癒 Till There Was You 現 Sometimes a Song 曲 Love Has No Pride 求 Crossroads 十 Once There Was a Love 曾 That Song Again (acoustic) Helplessly Hoping (short) Till There Was You (short) 專輯介紹 : JK繼2016年 的首張自創曲專輯 ”Breaking Away 破” 及2018年 “Beyond Tomorrow 白” 專輯後, 2021年 推出的第三首專輯 收錄了 JK 重新詮釋 特別挑選 介於1950~2000年間的九首歌. 在維持原曲的精神下, JK的重新詮釋 在編曲上做了調整, 希望可以呈現一個截然不同的分圍… Following his 2016 first album “Breaking Away” and 2018’s “Beyond Tomorrow”, JK’s 3rd album is a beautiful collection of singles published in the memorable 2021 covering classics from 1950~2000. Angel迴 By Sarah McLachlan Copyright Sony/ATV Songs LLC and Sony/ATV Songs LLC o/b/o Tyde Music PUBLISHING ADMINISTRATION: Sony/ATV 100% JK重新詮釋 Sarah McLachlan 1997年的經典作 “Angel 迴”, 在維持原曲的精神下, JK在編曲上做了調整, 樂風也從原唱鋼琴女聲獨唱改爲男聲全樂團 (Full Band) 的搖滾抒情曲, 一個截然不同的詮釋… JK’s 2021 rendition of Sarah McLachlan’s 1997 classic, Angel, with new arrangements transforming the original piano piece into a full-band rock ballad… a quite different vibe … Helplessly Hoping無助的期盼 Written by Stephen Stills Copyright Wixen Music Publishing o|b|o Gold Hill Music JK新詮釋超級三重唱 Crosby Stills & Nash 1969年的經典曲 “Helplessly Hoping 無助的期盼”, 本曲的經典是歌曲在單一的一把木吉他伴奏下, 穿梭全場, 交錯複雜, 沒有主音的三重唱. JK在維持原曲的精神下, 一人飾三角 完成這首高難度的歌曲. 在歌曲的編曲上 JK也做了調整, 在歌曲的後半, 加了一段全樂團 (Full Band) 的鄉村搖滾抒情曲調. 又是一個截然不同的詮釋… In his 2021 cover of Crosby Stills & Nash’s acoustic classic “Helplessly Hoping”, JK performs all three parts of harmonies followed by a full band section to complete the country rock ballad rendition. Again, a quite unique vibe … Love Letters in The Sand沙灘上的情書 By J. Fred Coots, Charles Kenny, and Nick Kenny Copyright : Bourne Co. and Wixen Music Publishing and in o/b/o Toy Town Tunes, Inc. JK以爵士的曲風重新詮釋1931年的經典老歌 “Love Letters in The Sand 沙灘上的情書”. (1957年 Pat Boone 翻唱此曲的傳統流行樂版本 是大家原本比較熟悉的) 為了有更濃厚的爵士味, JK在編曲上 穿插了兩段鋼琴跟吉他的獨奏, 又是一個跟原曲截然不同的詮釋… JK’s 2021 Jazz rendition of 1931’s classic, Love Letters in the Sand, with new arrangements… another unique rendition of the old classic … Heal The World 療癒這個世界 By Michael Jackson & Marty Paich Copyright Sony/ATV Songs LLC Mijac Music 在維持原曲的精神下, JK在編曲上做了調整, 多了些層次, 又是一個不同的詮釋… JK’s fourth single in 2021 covering 1991 Michael Jackson’s Heal The World. Similar to the other JK’s cover songs, JK makes new arrangements, adding more layers to this MJ’s classic… another unique rendition … Till There Was You直到你出現 By Meredith Willson Copyright Mpl Music Publishing Inc. o/b/o Frank Music Corp. and Meredith Wilson Music LLC JK 重新詮釋 Meredith Wilson 1950年的老歌 “Till There Was You 直到你出現”, JK的翻唱版本是採用一般人比較熟悉the Beatles 在1963年詮釋的版本 但JK 在編曲上做了調整, 多了許多層次, 讓這首原本獨唱 愉快的音樂 更像一支舞曲, 讓你更想動起來 … JK adopted the Beatles 1963’s version of 1950 Meredith Wilson’s classic “Till There Was You” in his fifth cover single of 2021. JK makes new arrangements, adding more layers to this classic. JK’s rendition transforms this originally solo vocal ballad into a even more pleasant dance piece … Sometimes a Song有時一首歌 By Dan Fogleberg Copyright Sacred Circle Music JK 重新詮釋 Dan Fogelberg 寫來獻給妻子 但未發表的 “Sometimes a Song 有時一首歌”, JK重新詮釋的版本 一如以往的風格 雖然在歌曲結構上未做大的調整, 但 JK 加了大量的和音 跟 笛子的吹奏 讓歌曲更輕快 也多了許多層次, 讓人感到溫暖的一首歌 … JK’s 6th single in 2021, covering Dan Fogelberg’s “Sometimes a Song”, a beautiful ballad dedicated to Dan’s wife at the time and was never published until after his death. JK added harmonies and flute to create more layers to this song. Truly a warm love ballad … Love Has No Pride愛是沒有尊嚴的 By Eric Katz and Libby Titus Copyright Glasco Music and Wixen Music Publishing o/b/o Libet Music JK 2021年 第三張專輯 “Spread Your Wings 展開你的翅膀” 裡的第七首單曲, 重新詮釋 Bonnie Raitt 1972年的 “Love Has No Pride 愛是沒有尊嚴的”. 在尊重原曲的精神下, JK在編曲上做些微調整, 增加和音跟中提琴 做另一個深情的詮釋… In the 7th song of his 3rd album – Spread Your Wings, JK covers Bonnie Raitt 1972’s “Love has No Pride”. JK did minor re-arrangements by adding harmonies and cello in the presentation… Crossroads十字路 By Don Mclean Copyright Songs of Universal, Inc. o/b/o Music Corp. of America, Inc. and Songs of Universal, Inc. o/b/o the Benny Bird Company Inc. JK 2021年 第三張專輯 “Spread Your Wings 展開你的翅膀” 裡的第八首單曲, 重新詮釋 Don Mclean 1971年經典的 “American Pie” 專輯裡 深深觸動許多人的鋼琴獨唱曲 “Crossroads 十字路”, 跟 JK 重新詮釋其它的歌曲不同 在極度尊重原曲的精神下, JK在編曲上沒有做任何調整, 僅僅是盡力的 在自己的心情感受中 做另一個的詮釋… In the 8th song of his 3rd album – Spread Your Wings, JK covers Don Mclean’s “Crossroads” from 1971’s classic album “American Pie”. Unlike his previous other cover renditions, JK did not do any re-arrangement in the song but rather convey his own feeling towards this great classic. Once There Was a Love曾經有一段愛情 By Jose Feliciano and Rick Jarrard Copyright BMG Platinum Songs o/b/o Johi Music JK 2021年 第三張專輯 “Spread Your Wings 展開你的翅膀” 裡的最後一首 也是第九首單曲, 重新詮釋 Jose Feliciano 1970年 幾乎被遺忘 刻苦銘心的傷心情歌 “Once There Was a Love 曾經有一段愛情”. 與前幾首 JK 推出的歌曲不同 這首 “Once There Was a Love” 雖然少見的 和音減少 但在樂器的編排上 相對豐富 也為這張 “Spread Your Wings” 專輯 做一個淒美的結局 … The Final and the 9th song of JK’s 3rd album – Spread Your Wings, JK covers 1970 Jose Feliciano’s poignant yet almost forgotten love song “Once There Was a Love”. Unlike JK’s recent projects, “Once There Was a Love” features surprisingly fewer harmony but much more instrumental arrangements. It draws a sad yet perfect close to the album… Copyrights : Angel - Mechanical Music License #1084622 – Legacy Production Inc. d/b/a/ Easy Song Licensing Helplessly Hoping - Mechanical Music License #1141940 – Legacy Productions Inc. d/b/a Easy Song Licensing Love Letters in The Sand - Mechanical Music License #1149017 – Legacy Productions Inc. d/b/a Easy Song Licensing Heal The World - Mechanical Music License #1185827 – Legacy Productions Inc. d/b/a Easy Song Licensing Till There Was You - Mechanical Music License #1213158 – Legacy Productions Inc. d/b/a Easy Song Licensing Sometimes a Song - Mechanical Music License #1213155 – Legacy Productions Inc. d/b/a Easy Song Licensing Love Has No Pride - Mechanical Music License #1262706 – Legacy Productions Inc. d/b/a Easy Song Licensing Crossroads - Mechanical Music License #1262710 – Legacy Productions Inc. d/b/a Easy Song Licensing Once There Was a Love - Mechanical Music License #1322635 – Legacy Productions Inc. d/b/a Easy Song Licensing Musicians : JK : Lead Vocal/Harmony/Song Arrangement Jacob Liang : Electric Guitar/Acoustic/Piano/Keyboard/Midi/Bass/Song Arrangement/Recording Engineer Vic Teo : Background Vocal/Mixing Consultant/Song Arrangement/Keyboard/Midi Cello Neil MacPherson : Song Arrangement/Musicians Coordinator/Piano (Love Letters in The Sand) Hristo Vitchev : Guitar (Love Letters in The Sand) Dan Robbins : Bass (Love Letters in The Sand) Amy D. : Background Vocalist (Love Letters in The Sand) Flute : Jim Geddes (Till There Was You/Sometimes a Song) Mike Shannon : Drum (Angel/ Love Letters in The Sand) Charis Chua : Background Vocal (Heal The World) Stephen Ting : Mixing/Mastering Engineer Video: Angel: Los Angeles Ethan Lader : Director, Firestar Films Inc. Neema Sadeghi : Director of Photography Owen Solomon : Assistant Camera Ethan Simon : Production Assistant Laurent Ambard : Talent Taipei Yvonne Yao/ Rene Lin/ Pei-Yin Lu : Camera JK : Video Concept/Video Editing (Helplessly Hoping) Heidi Yeh Video Editing (Love Letters in The Sand/Heal The World/ Till There Was You/Sometimes a Song/ Crossroads/Once There Was a Love) Video Source Recording Studio : New Song Recording Studio, Taipei RB Productions, Pacific Grove, CA, USA (Angel/ Love Letters in The Sand)


Angel 迴


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