2021-12-06 · 演奏/心靈紓壓
《ZAMAR》YAHDDY 首張雙吉他演奏專輯,以拉丁吉他以及台灣原住民文化為基底融入不同曲風,金屬、電音、爵士、古典等特色象徵著族群的融合與友好。 在這個充滿紛爭的現代社會裡,「YAHDDY」象徵種族的合一,音樂風格 New Flamenco 及原住民傳統音樂的融合則象徵文化的合一。 本張專輯是首創將拉丁音樂融合台灣原住民文化的專輯。YAHDDY鼓勵每個部落的學生及年輕的原住民跨出自己的舒適圈勇敢追夢,同時也讓更多國家認識台灣這塊美麗的島嶼以及台灣的原住民,期盼透過這張專輯讓大家更加認識原住民文化的美和善。 專輯名稱: ZAMAR 看似文化與背景毫無相關的YAHDDY兩人決定以他們的共同信仰基督教為基底,以他們第一個組的團名《ZAMAR》為專輯名稱。 ZAMAR זָמַר,原文來自於希伯來文,以希伯來文發音為zaw-mar’,表示「用絲弦樂器來彈奏及創造音樂,並用以敬拜讚美上帝」。 詩篇98篇4-5節「全地都要向耶和華歡樂; 要發起大聲,歡呼歌頌!要用琴歌頌耶和華,用琴和詩歌的聲音歌頌祂!」 這節經文充滿著對音樂的熱情,無論是拉丁音樂或是原住民文化在這部分都是相同的,而YAHDDY也將透過這張專輯的音樂的融合,象徵跨越文化的差異,呈現多元包容的宏觀視野,期望在充滿差異的世界裡,能多些和諧、理解、包容的氛圍,而這也是整張專輯中所強調的中心思想。 YAHDDY盼望能以這張專演奏輯《ZAMAR》代表台灣參加國內外各種不同的音樂節,讓世界看見台灣的美。 本張專輯邀請馬來西亞裔錢威良老師共同製作,錢威良所屬的 Bazaar 中東爵士樂團更是巧妙的運用不同世界音樂風格,其中更有兩張專輯入圍金曲獎。藉由與錢威良老師的共同製作,相信能使整張專輯更具世界性。 除此之外,本張專輯更邀請眾多拉丁音樂家一同參與錄音製作,用當代的拉丁音樂演奏者的視角與YAHDDY的音樂相遇,擦撞出各種不同的火花。其中打擊樂邀請拉丁裔葛萊美獎得主 Luisito Quintero 擔任整張專輯節奏錄音,更邀請葛萊美獎常勝軍的大師級人物 Alan Silverman 擔任後期母帶處理。 <本專輯獲文化部影視及流行音樂產業局109年補助> ZAMAR is the first instrumental studio album by the Taiwanese guitar duo YAHDDY. Through a blend of different genres of music, mainly New Flamenco and traditional Taiwanese aboriginal sounds with a pinch of metal, electronic, jazz, and classical influences. YAHDDY aims to portray unity and friendship between cultures, especially in light of the rise of modern societal conflicts. This album is one of the first to combine Latin music and Taiwanese aboriginal music. YAHDDY hopes to inspire listeners and young aboriginal people to step out of their comfort zone and bravely pursue their dreams. At the same time, YAHDDY also aspires to make known the beautiful island of Taiwan and the goodness and beauty of the Taiwanese indigenous culture. Album name: ZAMAR Even though the two YAHDDY members have little in common in terms of their background culture, they naturally named this album ZAMAR or it being their previous band name and due to their Christian faith. ZAMAR (זָמַר), pronounced zaw-mar, is a Hebrew word and it means to make music, to play stringed instruments to praise and worship God. “Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise. Sing unto the LORD with the harp; with the harp, and the voice of a psalm” (KJV, Psalm 98:4-5). This verse itself expresses musical liveliness, which can be interpreted with the blend of Latin music and the Taiwanese indigenous culture. This is the manner in which YAHDDY integrates the album’s musical style to express their core message of cross-cultural understanding, acceptance and harmony in spite of diversity. YAHDDY hopes to represent Taiwan in various music festivals at home and abroad with the ZAMAR album, so that the world can see the beauty of Taiwan. This album was co-produced with Malaysian musician Will’z Chang. His band "Bazaar Middle East Jazz Orchestra" cleverly used different world music elements and two of their albums were nominated for the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards. Moreover, the co-production with Will’z Chang makes this whole album more global. Many Latino musicians were also invited to participate in the recording production, creating new and fresh musical tones and colors. Among them, there is Grammy Award winner Luisito Quintero on drums and percussion for the entire album and multiple Grammy Award winner Alan Silverman as the mastering engineer.