Mama Yogini

Mama Yogini

Yungchen Lhamo

2022-04-25 · 流行音樂

藏族禪修音樂家央金拉姆,三十年禪修閉關歷煉而成的妙音,如純凈甘露,滋潤我們的心田,如綻放蓮花,開啟我們的智慧。突破性的創意,前所未有,神秘咒語與嘻哈電音,震懾心靈,古老經文與現代音樂,完美融合,帶領我們穿越心靈時空。央金以慈悲樸實的願心邀請您,聆聽來自大地母親的呼喚,體驗宇宙原始能量的溫暖和圓滿。在純凈喜悅的舞動能量中覺醒!Coming from Tibetan Buddhist practitioner and musician Yangjin Lamu, An exquisite voice shaped by 30 years of meditation practice and retreats,It is nourishing nectar for our hearts,A blossoming lotus that uncovers our wisdom.Made with astounding creativity,A mind-blowing mix of mystical mantras, hip-hop and electronic music,A perfect fusion of ancient sutras and contemporary music,Taking us on a journey through spiritual space and time. With a compassionate and simple heart, Yangjin Lamu invites you listen to the call of Mother Earth,to feel the warm and perfect primordial cosmic energy, and to awaken in the pure and joyful energy as we dance!• 專輯簡介 The Album《Mama Yogini》是曾獲得葛萊美新世紀音樂專輯獎(Best New Age Album)的藏族禪修音樂家央金拉姆沉澱多年後,正式出版的全新心靈音樂創作專輯。Mama Yogini is a spiritual music album from Yangjin Lamu, a Tibetan meditator, musician, and Grammy winner for Best New Age Album. This brand new official release has been a long time coming for Yangjin after years of grounded life. 「Mama Yogini」源自藏語,代表宇宙初始的女性能量。在這個物質過度發展、全球環境失衡、災難頻發的時代,需要更多女性溫暖能量的覺醒和回歸。這張專輯是央金拉姆用自性音樂幫助人類的願心的延續。《Mama Yogini》是一種期許,一個訊息,一聲召喚,央金拉姆用歌聲呼籲更多人放慢腳步,減少貪念,回歸自心,找到內心的平靜與歡喜。 Mama Yogini represents the primordial feminine energy from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. The album is part of Yangjin’s continued effort to lift mankind with music. The pure music flowing out of Yangjin’s nature mind is like nourishing nectar for the soul. What Mama Yogini conveys is an expectation, a message, and a call for the return of feminine energy, one that is warm, spacious, supportive, giving and compassionate. Only such energy can heal our hearts. 整張專輯共收錄九首作品,豐富多元。央金拉姆與美國黑人編曲人Josh McGilbery,採用全新編曲風格,咒語經文結合現代電子音樂、嘻哈、RAP,給人前所未有的聽覺與心靈體驗。專輯亦收錄多首央金創作的藏族情歌,或曠達,或溫柔,帶領聽眾暢遊藏族獨特的情感世界。The album features a diverse collection of nine songs. Yangjin Lamu teamed up with Josh McGilbery, an Iranian American musician, to bring fresh experience to the ear and the heart with their creative arrangements and a combo of mantras, sutras, contemporary electronic music and hip hop. The Tibetan ballads that Yangjin composed, expansive or gentle, transport listeners into the unique emotional world of the Tibetan people.《Mama Yogini》是每個人內心纖塵不染的水滴,當越來越多的水滴逐漸匯聚融合,我們的心就能得到凈化,整個地球就會得到照顧和提升。願所有聽到這張專輯的人,都能夠開啟自己回家的旅程。在廣袤無垠的音樂場域中開啟生命的高維自愈力!在純凈喜悅的舞動能量中體驗女性能量的覺醒!Listening to Mama Yogini is like having the purest of waterdrops slowly fill your heart, and as the water droplets begin to pool together, our hearts become purified and true. From listening to this album, Yangjin Lamu hopes everyone can find the journey home; enjoy the beautiful and powerful music, start a brand new life and awaken the pure and joyful energy that is inside us all.• 創作背景故事 Background stories《Mama Yogini》專輯的創作是央金2017年在臺灣的家中完成的。那時,在結束多年四處弘法、閉關的漂泊後,她和先生帶著女兒定居臺灣,有了固定的住處,想要創作法音、用法音來幫助人的心也變得更加強烈。於是,央金邀請在美國相識、合作多年的音樂夥伴Josh McGilbery來到臺灣。Josh是一位4歲學鋼琴和鼓,同時擅長作曲的黑人小天才。兩人一拍即合,開始在臺灣家中創作錄製全新的音樂。Mama Yogini was created by Yangjin at home in Taiwan back in 2017. After years of teaching tours and retreats, she and her husband took their daughter to Taiwan and settled down. With a place she can call home, she felt that the urge of creating Buddhist music to help people just got stronger. So she invited her long-term music partner Josh McGilbery to Taiwan. She and Josh met in the US. Josh, starting to play the piano and drums at the age of four, is a talented artist with an exceptional gift for composition. Soon enough the two started to create music at Yangjin’s no-frills home studio. 央金在家中搭建了簡易的錄音棚。為避免白天的車流聲和大樓裏各種裝修的噪音,錄音只能在夜深人靜時才能進行。於是央金便在每天夜晚十一點以後錄音,每天至少完成一首,這已是相當快速了。In order to avoid the daytime traffic and construction noises, Yangjin could only record at night after 11:00pm. And she recorded at least one song every night. 早年央金開始創作心靈音樂時可不是這樣順利。那時的她需要先在寺院中閉關一段時日,經過虔誠地祈請和禪修,在一種安靜、無念、清凈的狀態中,旋律才會從她的自性中自然流露。It wasn’t that effortless for Yangjin in the early years. Back then she would have to spend days in retreat, praying and meditating until music flows out of her nature mind. Writing music required a state of serene, crystal-clear clarity. 隨著多年的修行,禪定的深入和穩定,周圍環境不再影響她,她可以在任何地方、任何時間創作。在美國那幾年,她無論在家中接待多少客人,只要帶上耳機,便能進入寧靜的狀態,什麼都打擾不了她的心,甚至她可以一邊做家事,一邊和樂手創作、錄音,音樂總是要用就有。到了2017年製作《Mama Yogini》時,她便更是自在創作,快的時候甚至一天能錄五、六首,因為她的創作不需要經過太多思考,新的音樂自然從心裏流淌而出。As her practice deepens and stabilizes, she can create music anywhere, regardless of her surroundings. In the few years Yangjin lived in the US, no matter how many guests she had in the house, she could put on her headphones and immediately shift into a peaceful state of mind. Nothing ever ruffled her. She could even create and record music with other musicians while doing chores. Mama Yogini is a result of such free-flowing creativity. When the album was made in 2017, she could sometimes record five or more songs in one day. New music just kept flowing from her heart, with little thinking involved.央金說,她只是宇宙的一個橋梁,通過音樂的管道,把上天的愛、光芒和溫暖傳遞給人們。Yangjin said that she was merely a bridge through which her voice travels, delivering love, light and warmth of the cosmos to mankind. Mama Yogini宇宙萬物之母,主宰地水火風。掌控時間空間,消除一切障礙。Divine mother of the universe and all beings, Presiding over all forms of matter, liquid, fire and air,Controlling space and time,Removing obstacles of all kinds.「Mama Yogini」是藏傳佛教中的普賢王佛母,代表著原始的女性能量。相比於男性能量的多動、競爭、達成目標和理性,女性的能量是一種安靜、溫暖、互助、感性的陰性能量。央金拉姆認為我們這個時代是女性覺醒的時代。Mama Yogini is Samantabhadri, the "primordial Mother Buddha from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition who represents the primordial feminine energy. In contrast to the active, competitive, driven and rational masculine energy, the feminine energy is associated with calm, warmth, support and sensitivity. Yangjin Lamu believes that this is an era of the awakening feminine energy.過去幾千年來一直是男性能量主導世界,雖然帶來了近兩百年來的物質文明和科技進步,但過度的物質發展,人心的不知足,也造成了無數的戰爭、沖突、破壞大自然、環境汙染等等嚴重的災難和失衡。新冠疫情席卷全球,便是在失衡和破壞後人類集體嘗到的苦果。For thousands of years, the world has been dominated by the masculine energy. With material abundance and technological advances in the past 200 years come overconsumption and greed, which have led to wars, conflicts, environmental damage, and a ravaged nature. The pandemic that has swept the world is the bitter fruit that mankind has to swallow as a result of the imbalances and damage.在對整個地球和人類的悲心驅使下,於是便有了央金心中流淌而出的Mama Yogini的呼喚。這首歌是一種期許,一個訊息,一聲召喚,召喚這個時代女性能量的回歸,更多溫暖、包容、療癒的能量展現,更多女性的覺醒。Out of her compassion for the earth and mankind, Yangjin called out to Mama Yogini. What the song conveys is an expectation, a message, and a call for the return of feminine energy, which is warm, spacious and healing. It is part of Yangjin’s effort of trying to awaken more women. 覺醒如同一滴水回歸海洋,和無邊的覺性海洋融為一體。Mama Yogini是每個人內心最清凈的水滴,當越來越多的水滴逐漸匯聚融合,我們的心就能得到凈化,整個地球將會得到照顧和提升。Awakening is a lot like a drop of water returning to the ocean, becoming one with the boundless ocean of awareness. Mama Yogini symbolizes that purest waterdrop in every one’s heart. As more waterdrops pool, our hearts will be purified, and the entire planet will be taken care of and healed. 綠色世界Green World《綠色世界》是一首法歌,也就是能夠幫助修行人禪修靜心、穩定覺性、提升能量的歌曲。歌詞是綠度母的祈請文和心咒。綠度母是藏傳佛教中的一位綠色的女性菩薩。綠色代表大自然、一種生生不息的旺盛的生命能量「度」是幫助我們從煩惱痛苦解脫,不被困住。「母」是指母親一般溫暖溫柔的能量。綠度母讓人離開恐懼、升起快樂。A Green World is a Buddhist song that can help practitioners quiet their minds, stabilize their awareness and lift their energy. The lyrics include the Green Tara prayer and mantra. Green Tara is a green-form female bodhisattva in Tibetan Buddhism. Green represents mother nature and its inexhaustible life energy. Green Tara in Chinese is “Du Mu”. “Du”, or “tide over”, means helping us break free from disturbing emotions and sufferings, whereas “Mu”, or mother, means the mother-like warm and gentle energy. Green Tara helps people do away with fear and become happy. 這首法歌風格非常現代,是一首無論男女老幼、一聽就讓人想要歡快起舞的歌。央金也為這首法歌賦予了更加現代的意義。在當今這個地球環境嚴重破壞、天災人禍不斷的時代背景下,央金拉姆更希望透過這首法歌呼喚人們回歸自然、保護大地母親。透過音樂,人們能回到內心,清理自己的煩惱,升起內在的喜樂,這是一種心靈的環保。當人們能夠開始照顧自己的內心、過減法生活,回歸自然,地球才能得到真正的保護。The contemporary feel of this Buddhist song appeals to men and women, old and young. It cheers people up and makes people dance. Yangjin’s arrangement makes this song more meaningful and relevant to modern people. At a time when the earth is wrecked by frequent natural and man-made disasters, Yangjin hopes that through this song, more people will be inspired to return to nature and protect Mother Earth. She hopes that through music, people can turn inward, clear away disturbing emotions and experience lasting happiness. This is how one can protect mental health and wellbeing. Only when people start to take care of their inner health, adopt a minimalist approach towards life and return to nature can our planet earth be truly protected. Carry Me這是一首央金特意寫給先生陳宇廷的情歌。當時夫妻二人因佛行事業發展身在異地,央金獨自在家中製作音樂,先生帶病在雲南大理為佛行事業奔走,央金遙想洱海邊的先生,於是便有了這首寄托思念和愛意的歌曲。This is a love song that Yangjin wrote for her husband Mark Yuting Chen. It was written at a time when the couple had to live apart. Yangjin was at home making music, while the indisposed husband was in Dali, Yunnan province pursuing his bodhisattva endeavor. Yangjin wrote this song to express her love and longing for her husband far away by the Erhai Lake. 歌詞用詩一般的語言,採用傳統藏族民歌特有的比喻方式,山中的細雨、藏地家鄉用做煙供的松柏,央金與先生二人一漢一藏,身在海峽兩岸,願搭一座金橋,在大理的洱海邊相會。歌詞純潔美好,曲調溫柔舒緩,傳遞著歌者心中的浪漫歡喜。Yangjin used poetic language and typical Tibetan metaphors in her lyrics. She sang about the mountain drizzle, the pine and cypress branches used in smoke offerings back home, and how she, a Tibetan, and her husband of Han ethnicity, wish to build a golden bridge across the strait and meet by Dali Erhai Lake. With lyrics so pure and fine, and a melody so soft and gentle, the song conveys the singer’s love and joy in her heart. 凈化 Purify《凈化》也是一首法歌。歌詞由藏傳佛教裏的金剛薩埵百字明和心咒組成。金剛薩埵的「金剛」,意思是鑽石,代表永遠不能被破壞、被摧毀的覺性。「薩埵」是指覺悟的生命、菩薩有情。央金在曲中加入了節奏性的鼓點,為這首法歌賦予了現代感,幫助更多現代的禪修者感受到音樂的能量。當禪修者放松、專註地跟隨音樂唱誦或舞蹈,透過音樂的能量,深層的業力就能被清理掉,內心的煩惱便能得到凈化。Purify is also a Buddhist song. The lyrics include the Hundred Syllable Vajrasattva Mantra and the short Vajrasattva mantra. The term Vajrasattva is comprised of two words: “vajra” as diamond, which represents the indestructible awareness, and “sattva” as awakened sentient beings. Yangjin added drum beats throughout the song to make it sound contemporary, so that modern practitioners can be more attuned to the energy in the music. When a meditator sings along or dances to the music in a relaxed yet focused manner, his/her deep karma can be cleansed and disturbing emotions can be purified. I will always remember you (我永遠記得你)這是一首央金寫給最好的音樂夥伴、音樂導師德魯巴•戈什(Dhruba Ghosh)的歌。德魯巴是印度家喻戶曉的音樂大師,也是一位修行人,曾多次獲得葛萊美音樂獎。央金曾多次與德魯巴合作音樂會,二人都有著用音樂幫助人心的心願。This is a song Yangjin wrote for her late music partner and mentor Dhruba Ghosh. Being a multi-Grammy winner, Ghosh was a household name in India and a meditator. Yangjin partnered with Ghosh in many concerts, and shared the commitment of helping people through music. 在錄製這張專輯時,突然傳來德魯巴因心臟病過世的消息。央金寫下了詞曲,正好在德魯巴過世的第七天夜晚錄製了這首歌,也是在和這位生命中的摯友做最後的告別。此生不能在一起,但願來生再相伴,這也是藏族生命輪迴的觀念。As Yangjin was working on this Album, news came that Ghosh had died of a heart attack. Yangjin wrote and recorded the song on the 7th day of his death to say final goodbye to a dearest friend in her life. Just as her Tibetan folks who believe in samsara, Yangjin wish that they reunite in the next life. 悲傷的情緒、略帶哭腔的歌聲都被錄了下來。每個人在生命中都會有與摯愛的人離別,相信歌曲裏真實感情能帶給人們內心的療癒。The song has captured the sadness and Yangjin’s slightly tearful voice. Everyone has to bid farewell to their loved ones at certain point in life. It is our hope that this sentimental song will help mend a broken heart. 深情的愛、月光下、保佑我的戀人、祈禱Affectionate Love, Moonlight, Protect My Lover, Prayer這四首歌詞改編自藏族傳統民歌,央金為它們創作了全新的曲調。不同於普通流行的情歌大多歌唱卿卿我我、哀怨的感情,藏族的情歌裏更多蘊含了藏族特有的哲學思想。藏族傳統情歌裏較少有關於自我情緒的抒發,更多的是對上師、佛法僧三寶的恭敬和讚美感恩,對親人、愛人的祝福。The lyrics for these songs were adapted from Tibetan folk songs and sung with new melodies. Unlike pop songs that are written for the lovey-dovey, or the sad and depressed, Tibetan love songs are more philosophical in a unique Tibetan way. They are less about personal feelings but more about the singer’s absolute respect, praise and appreciation for the three jewels - master, dharma, sangha, and his/her wishes for families and loved ones. 比如《深情的愛》裏就有點燃酥油明燈、獻給上師珍寶的描述,《保佑我的戀人》中唱著為戀人煨桑祈福,祈請護法神保佑戀人,《祈禱》中亦唱出了藏族人上供下施的習俗和虔誠的心境。As an example, in Affectionate Love, Yagnjin sang about lighting up a butter lamp and offering it to her master. In Protect My Lover, she sang about making smoke offerings and praying to dharma protectors for her sweetheart. The song Prayer is about the Tibetan custom of making offerings and their piety. 《月光下》是一首富含詩意的情歌。Moonlight, however, is a poetic love song.月亮昇到了天空,影子留在牆上,心中的戀人是否悄然來到?星星佈滿了天空,黎明的啟明星還沒有出現,何時才能在天上出現?With the moon up in the sky, casting shadows on the walls, will the one I love quietly come by? The sky is now dotted with stars, but when will Venus rise to break the dawn? 這裏表達的是等待戀人時心裏的忐忑不安和期盼。把思念的感情寄托在月亮、星星,這是一種蘊含著詩意的表達方式。歌詞和旋律都給人一種詩畫一般的美感。雖然是在期盼戀人、內心忐忑,但是歌中沒有任何憂傷的感覺,也沒有強烈的負面情緒。這也是很多藏族傳統情歌的特色。This song is about the restlessness as one waits for the loved one, but there is no sadness or negative emotions in the song. Instead, the longing is conveyed poetically through the moon and stars. The lyrics and melody combined sketches a poetic painting for listeners. This is quite typical of Tibetan love songs.

Mama Yogini

Mama Yogini


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