2022-04-29 · 華語
「多少顆星星落下 換你對我的愛沉溺於你的懷抱 但我卻放不開」永彬Ryan.B全新單曲《我好像變了》詮釋了那些稀釋愛意卻無法言說的變化。說不清楚哪一天,不再相信我們的星座是絕配,開始敷衍你的落淚,聊天記錄逐漸乏味。當新鮮感被時間褪去外殼,這份裹挾著遷就的愛意還剩下什麼?汽水中的二氧化碳會隨著時間消散,停留在舌尖那一秒的後果也是拋在腦後的遺忘。沒有氣泡加持的汽水甜膩的成了負擔,那就讓日復一日的黑夜與心事來勾兌,直到一切歸於平淡。The brand-new single“CHANGED” by Ryan.B has released now. This song narratives the unspeakable faded affection in a love relationship.From someday, the match of our star signs is not convincing as before. The other half has become impatient with his/her tears. What has been left for this incomplete love in compromise when the freshness is faded with time flying? It seems like bubbles of Soda are lost in time, and the feeling at the first second is doomed to be forgotten. Only sweetness is left for Soda without the fresh bubbles, which has become a burden for the loving journey. So, just let the endless dark night blend into the unspeakable story until everything comes to be blank.