


2022-06-22 · 其他音樂

生成 BECOMING |-二十年磨一劍,首張個人專輯-金曲歌后阿爆ABAO,金曲新人壞特te?相挺跨刀-台饒傳奇大支、OG滿人獻聲合唱-跨海合作美國R&B歌手Jword、中國饒舌詩人Jony J「生成」兩字有許多意涵,可以代表與生俱來,可以是逐步成為,也可以是法國哲學家德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)的哲學思想。老莫創作二十年來的首張個人專輯《生成》中,除了展露老莫駕馭節奏的天賦,也將自己的生命經驗入歌,以曲序為骨幹,逐步對自己進行審視與整理。德勒茲的中心思想為生成(becoming)而非存在(being),旨在消解西方哲學自柏拉圖以降的二元對立觀點,如同塊莖一般進行不能預期的多元連結與延展。所謂的生成並非停滯穩固的,而是一種不斷流變的過程,從不同的視角觀看,所有的生命與事物都在變化中,我們以為的穩固存在,僅是生成生命(becoming-life)之流其中一個相對穩定的瞬間。在專輯中的每一首歌曲都是老莫生命軌跡中的一個片段,像一張張拍立得相片,紀錄生命流變的軌跡。來自Beats & Friends團隊的編曲家Conehead、taro、和Rodionn為這張專輯增添underground Hip Hop的lo-fi底氣;新銳製作人Oscar Chang貢獻近半數曲目,音樂製作風格多元且音樂性強;此外也有孩子氣娛樂的Peter Wu與DJ Afuro George提供boombap軍火、曾任春艷專輯製作人的Dac釀造的另類嘻哈風格、以及戰犯音樂的陳小律打磨出jazz hip hop曲式為專輯增色。跨刀獻唱則有金曲歌后阿爆、金曲新人壞特?te、台饒OG大支、正統紐約風格的滿人、饒舌新秀楊舒雅、受老莫啟發的Jony J、美聲女伶辛黛芬,合作陣容豐富多元。〈Intro〉由Rodionn加上金曲薩克斯風手謝明諺演奏,以及Kool Klone刷碟,三人共譜,異種聲響碰撞連結,揭露專輯多面向的可能性。再來是紀錄台北紐約兩地求學心情的〈Home〉,給自己保持專注的提醒〈Got Me In My Mind〉、勉勵卓爾不群的你我〈Off The Wall〉混音版、談嘻哈的傳承與使命感〈Hand Me Downs〉、獻給妻子的〈神隊友〉、論教師身分的〈我教你〉、貫穿整張專輯概念的〈成為〉。接著歌曲題材上從自身經歷走向更議題導向與宏觀的〈1947〉談論228事件、嘻哈本格派的〈Boom Bap With Conscious〉、以及疫情期間居家工作下產出的〈WFH〉,最終回到原版的〈Off The Wall〉劃下句點。《生成 BECOMING》是一段漫長旅程的紀錄,是一個內心世界的揭露,也是一名饒舌歌手的成長歷程。誠摯的邀請大家在流變的生命中與這些歌曲、字詞、樂句連結,或許差異就此產生。本專輯獲文化部影視及流行音樂產業局109年度流行音樂製作發行補助BecomingBecoming means ever-changing, vigorous, and potential. It is a concept central to the philosopher Gilles Deleuze’s thinking. It is also the title for ILL MO’s first album in his twenty-year career in the art of rap. In this belated debut album, ILL MO reflects on the person he has become, and the life experience gained along the way. Like music, he flows through time and space without being anchored in a single place. Like rap, he is layered and plural without appearing as singularity. Every track of the album is like a snapshot of this constant movement of life. This multiplicity can also be experienced in the music. Beatmakers like Conehead, taro, and Rodionn provided an underground lo-fi atmosphere. Oscar Chang orchestrated almost half of the songs, establishing a colorful musicality. Peter Wu and DJ Afuro George brought the boom bap flavor to the game. And finally Dac and GreeTed created a jazzy and alternative playfulness. As for vocals, singers ABAO/Aljenljeng, Whyte (?te), and Stephanie, rappers Dwagie, Manchuker, Shuya Yang, and Jony J, all contributed to this diversified soundscape.Becoming is a documentary of a long journey, a revelation of an inner world. It is the growth of a rapper, and maturity of a person. Witness this life through the sounds and lyrics of ILL MO, and perhaps, you will find something in it that truly speaks to you, as another lifeform that is also becoming.




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