


2022-08-19 · 本土方言/兒童音樂

蝴蝶飛啊飛泰武古謠傳唱 新創華語童謠數位專輯2015~2022 歷時七年,四個世代接力完成最動人的音樂傳承故事,最搶耳的無邪童聲從vuvu身上學到的傳統童謠,透過查馬克.法拉屋樂老師教唱給「泰武國小古謠隊」的學童,再由「泰武古謠傳唱」大姐姐們接力傳承。發生在大武山下的這則排灣童謠傳唱故事,不僅是一部鮮活動人的傳承紀事,更是這塊土地上的無價之寶。從田調中學會的傳統童謠,以及耿朱.谷法岸散創作的新世代童謠,構成專輯音樂核心。金曲製作人吳金黛邀集最懂現代童謠語彙的編曲人謝漢揚,以類雷鬼節奏、舞曲、電音、Rap等顛覆傳統想像的當代風格,融合校園樂器直笛及手風琴、吉他、鍵盤、打擊樂、弦樂等配器,帶來驚喜無限的愉悅聆聽感。由四個世代接力完成的這張專輯,唱出了足以動搖你我的童聲創意,以及當代文化傳承價值與意義。1. 蝴蝶飛啊飛 (華語版) Flight of the Butterfly (Mandarin)2. 誰在外面敲門 (華語版) Who’s Knocking at the Door? (Mandarin)3. 一起去上學 (華語版) Going to School Together (Mandarin)4. 搖籃曲 (華語版) Lullaby (Mandarin)Flight of the ButterflyTaiwu Ancient Ballads Troup New Children’s Mandarin AlbumAn album seven years in the making with contributions by four generations of legacy-bearers.The most touching story of musical transmission infused with childhood innocence.Traditional children’s songs learned from field surveys by the Taiwu Ancient Ballads Troupe and new children’s songs created by Gincu Kuvangasan make up the core of this album. Going outside the box of tradition, such contemporary elements as reggae beats, dance music, electronic music, and rap have been incorporated with the recorder, accordion, guitar, keyboard, percussion, and stringed instruments to create an array of incredible surprises. This album, the culmination of four generations of legacy, is sure to impress with its creativity in the use of child vocals and its cultural value and significance.

蝴蝶飛啊飛 (華語版)

蝴蝶飛啊飛 (華語版)


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