Sinking Fate

Sinking Fate


2022-10-28 · 西洋/其他音樂

●專輯介紹 距上張專輯轉眼已過六年,這段期間Doodle在經歷了台灣、日本與中國巡演後,隨即又進入一段很漫長的沉潛,終於再以原裝音樂製作陣容回歸,產出這第三張專輯《Sinking Fate》,由鼓手Zen於本身主理的112F Recording Studio親自操刀錄音及混音工程,送交美國Golden Mastering的JJ Golden負責完成專輯後製,裝禎視覺設計找來DoZzz的貝斯手吳翰包辦。 以炸裂音符經細緻編排而堆砌建構出的強大氣場氛圍,包裹流暢自溺旋律,如沉淪宿命般浸泡於永遠無法清醒的混沌狀態。 “This album invokes deep feeling and a cinematic sense of imagery from the first song through to the end. It’s hypnotic, dynamic and powerful. A real sonic journey and a joy to listen to!” ---JJ Golden (Mastering Engineer) ◎Credits Meng-Huan Liao: Guitar & Vocals Heng Kuo: Bass Zen Chien: Drums & Others All Music and Lyrics Written by Meng-Huan Liao Arranged and Produced by Doodle Recorded and Mixed by Zen Chien at 112F Recording Studio Mastered by JJ Golden at Golden Mastering Art Director by Han Wu ◎曲目 1. Broken Mind 2. Pain Cycle 3. Lying Around 4. The Shivering Caveman 5. Doors of Time 6. Midnight Lake 7. I Can't Even 8. Drowned 9. Glassy Eyes

Broken Mind

Broken Mind


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