


2022-11-11 · 演奏/心靈紓壓

【關於即興創作 A Few Words About the Improvisation】 即興是一種本能。一個人、一台鋼琴,就可以打造一個世界。科班的教育奠定了演奏技巧的基礎,卻無法決定創作的初心。當每個音符和休止符都發自當下的內心,生命之歌開始成為創造的洪流。邀請您跟隨音樂、擁抱自己,隨著流動的情感,釋放心中本能的感受,越來越自由。 Improvisation is a kind of instinct. A person and a piano are all that's needed to create a world. But although old-school instruction can provide a foundation of basic technique, it cannot determine one's inner creative intention. When every note and pause comes from deep inside at that moment, a song of life will rush forth from the musician. I invite you to follow the music, embrace your self, allow yourself to be carried along on the flowing emotions, release the instinctive impressions in your heart, and become more and more free. 【Unlimitable 無可限量】 舒適圈總是令人眷戀,但是當命運之鐘響起,生命的齒輪開始轟轟地運轉,我們不得不被暴烈地推著往前行,雖然過程中可能有很多驚恐和未知,有很多無奈與淚水,但是當我們飛越風暴,我們將在雲端俯瞰,迎來生命中嶄新而充滿收穫的季節。如果你正處在生命中的灰色地帶而茫茫不知何去何從,請給自己一點時間並溫柔地陪伴自己,直到內心的聲音為你指引出方向。請永遠相信你我的潛能是無限的,並保持對這趟旅程的信心! People always become attached to their comfort zones, but when the clock of fate rings out, and the gears of life begin to turn with a rumble, we will be fiercely thrust forward with or without our consent. Although this process is full of fear and the unknown, and there is much helplessness and many tears, when we fly over the storm and looked down from the clouds, we see a brand-new and bountiful season greeting our lives. If you are caught in life's grey area, and at a loss which way to go, please give your self a bit of time and gently accompany your self until the sound of your heart points out a direction to take. Please always keep believing that our potential is unlimited, and maintain your confidence in this journey! 1. Flying through the Storm 飛越風暴 2. Once in a Golden Summer 金色夏日 3. No Turning Back 永不回首 4. A Day in the Harz 在哈茨山上 5. Make a Wish 美好的願望 6. Gift of the Springs 泉水的賜予 7. Season of Harvest 收穫的季節 8. Common People Celebration 平民祭典 9. Gearwheels of Life 生命的齒輪 10. Unlimitable 無可限量 11. Grey Area 灰色地帶 12. Voyage 旅程




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