2023-04-26 · 原聲帶
嶄新的世界–選自《阿拉丁》(星空飛翔) (A Whole New World(From "Aladdin")(Starry Sky))
王國之心–選自《小美人魚》(海底王國) (Part Of Your World(From "The Little Mermaid")(Kingdom Under the Sea))
划船曲(快樂出航) (Row Row Row Your Boat(Happy Sailing))
搖呀搖,寶貝(海浪舒眠) (Rock a bye Baby(Ocean Waves Sleep))
美女與野獸–選自《美女與野獸》(夢幻世界) (Beauty And The Beast(From "Beauty and the Beast")(DreamWorld))
小小世界(迪士尼樂園) (It's A Small World(Disneyland))
兩隻老虎(嬉戲遊玩) (Are You Sleeping(Play))
乖乖小寶貝(海洋搖籃曲) (Hush Little Baby(Ocean Lullaby))
古老的大鐘(和平海洋) (Grandfather's Clock(Peaceful Sea))
瑪麗有隻小羔羊(滴答小雨) (Mary Had a Little Lamb(Tick Tick Rain))
帕海貝爾:卡農(舒適下雨天) (Pachelbel:Canon(Comfortable Rainy Day))
蛋頭先生(浪花朵朵) (Humpty Dumpty(Blooming Waves))
艾爾加:愛的禮讚,作品12(踏浪玩耍) (Elgar:Salut d'amour, Op.12(Treading the Waves and Playing))
這位老先生(老人與海) (This Old Man(The Old Man and the Sea))
跳到我朋友面前(海邊走走) (Skip to My Lou(Walk by the Sea))
倫敦鐵橋垮下來(下雨的夜晚) (London Bridge Is Falling Down(Rainy Night))
布拉姆斯:搖籃曲(奇幻水世界) (Brahms:Lullaby(Water World))
三隻瞎老鼠(靜謐流水) (Three Blind Mice(Quiet Flowing Water))
山谷裡的農夫(悠閒的午後) (The Farmer in the Dell(Leisurely Afternoon))
小小蜘蛛歷險記(探險奇遇記) (The Itsy bitsy spider(Adventures))
王老先生有塊地(農家生活) (Old McDonald Had A Farm(Farm Life))
莫札特:小星星變奏曲,作品K.265(自然水滴) (Mozart:Twelve Variations on "Ah vous dirai-je, Maman", K.265(Natural Water Drop))
生日快樂歌(海邊慶生會) (Happy Birthday To You(Birthday Party by the Sea))
在公車上的輪子(海邊旅行) (The Wheels on The Bus(Seaside Trip))
雲雀(舒緩的海) (Alouette(Soothing Sea))