2023-06-14 · 演奏/心靈紓壓
充滿回憶的火車鳴笛、溪谷蛙鳴,是什麼熟悉的聲音一出現,便勾起了我們的回憶? 來自新世紀療癒音樂家細膩呈現,詮釋一首首世界民謠鋼琴曲,揉合了各種生活白噪音,透過耳熟能詳的琴聲經歷一趟忘憂之旅,遊走旋律中於過去、現在及未來穿梭。 最後,隨著舒眠心跳聲,擁抱大自然,安穩入睡……
史卡博羅市集(鐵道聲) (Scarborough Fair(Train tracks))
麥可將船划上岸(蛙鳴) (Michael Row the Boat Ashore(Frogs))
海邊之歌(浪潮) (Song of the seashore(Ocean surf))
奇異恩典(心跳) (Amazing Grace(Heartbeat))
楓葉(蛙鳴ASMR) (Maple leaf(Frogs))
寬闊的海水(浪潮白噪音) (The Water Is Wide(Ocean surf))
康城賽馬歌(雨林音樂詩) (Camptown Races(Rain))
萬福恩源(鐵軌聲) (Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing(Train tracks))
曼哈頓(雨聲) (Manhattan(Rain))
成為我的異象(心跳白噪音) (Be Thou My Vision(Heartbeat))
故鄉(蟲鳴) (Home Town(Cicada calls))
飄落的葉是秋的縮影(療癒火車之旅) (The Autumn Leaves(Train tracks))
翠色森林(夜晚蟲鳴) (Forest Of Memories(Cicada calls))
破曉群山(蟲鳴深度睡眠) (Dawn Mountains(Cicada calls))
星空絮語(舒眠浪潮) (Starry Night Beautiful Relaxing Piano(Sound of the waves))
森林詠歌(深眠雷雨) (Forest Dream with Calming Piano Music(Thunderstorm))
月光輕吻沉靜的湖面(沉睡雷雨) (The Moon Over the Lake(Thunderstorm))
海的懷抱(浪潮夜曲) (Ocean Eyes(Sound of the waves))
斜陽的詩(睡眠雷聲) (Sunset Aglow(Thunder))
深眠的夢(雷雨催眠曲) (Deep Sleep Piano Music(Thunderstorm))
溪橋畔(雷雨搖籃曲) (Bridgehead(Thunderstorm))
漫遊陌生人(雨聲輕音樂) (Wayfaring Stranger(Rain))
羅莽湖邊(蛙鳴白噪音) (Loch Lomond(Frogs))
療癒的浪潮(海聲ASMR) (Healing Waves(Sound of the waves))
安眠夜曲(心跳聲ASMR) (Lullaby and Good Night(Heartbeat))