If I Say I Love You

If I Say I Love You

恐龍的皮(The Dinosaur's Skin)

2023-09-20 · 西洋/流行音樂

恐龍的皮The Dinosaur’s Skin X Summer Salt2023新單曲 ”If I Say I Love You” 「如果我說我愛你,你會為我摘下天邊的星星嗎?」 重磅跨國合作!恐龍的皮2023秋季單曲 “If I Say I Love You”,邀請了美國Trop-pop duo熱帶流行雙人組Summer Salt來共同合唱,天使般的嗓音交融在恐龍的皮dream pop的惆悵情歌。 發跡於美國德州奧斯汀的Summer Salt由主唱兼吉他手Matthew Terry和鼓手Eugene Chung組成,他們自定義風格為「Coral Reef Rock珊瑚礁搖滾」,如同一趟在海邊奔馳的公路旅行,總能夠在他們的音樂裡感受到海風的吹拂,主唱Terry天使般的嗓音、鼓手Chung靈魂注入的鼓聲,歌頌生命的美好、短暫與永恆。兩團初相遇於2023年3月的台北The Wall,在Summer Salt的亞洲巡迴台北站,恐龍的皮擔任開場嘉賓,因而建立了人類與恐龍的深刻情誼。 單曲 “If I Say I Love You”,是一首憂傷的浪漫情歌,描述著禁錮在軀殼中的靈魂的愛情故事。在音樂製作方面,再次找了Crispy脆樂團的Skippy擔任製作人,加入detuned的電吉他、lo-fi鋼琴、富有節奏韻律的bass與懷舊合成器效果,融合暴龍、三角龍與Summer Salt的夢幻般嗓音和打擊樂器,使其成為一首適合慢舞、流淚,以及深情凝視的歌曲。 收到Summer Salt寄來的音檔時,三角龍表示:「聽到他悶ㄉ聲音,眼淚都咬牛下乃...(இдஇ; )...揪像是這首歌不能跨越藩籬ㄉ愛情,但債現實中偶悶ㄉ合作跨越惹洋流ㄉ距離,不跨越ㄉ故事被跨越,如此感動。」 *本作品獲文化部影視及流行音樂產業局補助。 The Dinosaur’s Skin X Summer Salt“If I Say I love You” Single All the way from the USA, Summer Salt teams up with The Dinosaur’s Skin in this collaboration across the oceans!The smoothest, chillest, most romantic love song between two souls, trapped in their respective shells of existence. When Jurassic-Pop meets Coral-Reef Rock, the results are beautiful dreamy vocals on a super laid back drum beat paired with the grooviest bass line. Sprinkled with detuned guitars, lo-fi piano and nostalgic synth stabs, “If I Say I Love You” is a song to slow dance to, to cry to, and to love with. Based in the US, Summer Salt’s breezy, blissful, and intimate style has cemented the band’s place as one of the indie genre’s brightest stars, having reached 1 million monthly Spotify listeners and toured the world. After playing a show together in Taiwan on Summer Salt’s Asian tour, The Dinosaur’s Skin and Summer Salt formed a strong cross-species friendship and finally collaborated on this much awaited track, the first overseas collaboration release for The Dinosaur’s Skin. Long-time producer Skippy from Crispy produced and helped arrange the track, blending the vocals between the two bands to form a lush human-dinosaur harmony, contributing the dream-like music tapestry for love to build upon.

If I Say I Love You (feat. Summer Salt)

If I Say I Love You (feat. Summer Salt)


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