2023-10-25 · 演奏/心靈紓壓/流行音樂
聽見下雨的聲音(鋼琴版)(原唱:周杰倫) (Rhythm of the Rain(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Jay Chou))
珊瑚海(鋼琴版)(原唱:周杰倫 feat. 梁心頤 Lara) (Coral Sea(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Jay Chou feat. Lara))
最長的電影(鋼琴版)(原唱:周杰倫) (The Longest Movie(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Jay Chou))
Mojito(鋼琴版)(原唱:周杰倫) (Mojito(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Jay Chou))
說好的幸福呢(鋼琴版)(原唱:周杰倫) (The Promised Love(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Jay Chou))
寂靜的午後 (Silent Afternoon)
末班車(鋼琴版)(原唱:蕭煌奇) (Last Train(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Ricky Hsiao))
唯一(鋼琴版)(原唱:王力宏) (The One and Only(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Leehom Wang))
一首簡單的歌(鋼琴版)(原唱:王力宏) (Yi Shou Jian Dan De Ge(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Leehom Wang))
愜意鋼琴曲 (Relaxing Piano)
流星雨(鋼琴版)(原唱:F4) (The Meteor Rain(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By F4))
凌晨三點鐘(鋼琴版)(原唱:張智成) (Midnight 3am(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Z-Chen Chang))
平靜的繁星 (Peaceful Starry Sky)
雨天的詩 (Poems for Rainy Days)
獨佔神話(鋼琴版)(原唱:蔡依林) (Du Zhan Shen Hua(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Jolin Tasi))
酸甜(鋼琴版)(原唱:蔡依林) (Suan Tian(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Jolin Tasi))
舒心專注的早晨 (Mindful Morning)
不屑紀念(鋼琴版)(原唱:吳克群) (Bu Xie Ji Nian(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Kenji Wu))
全部都給你(鋼琴版)(原唱:吳克群 feat. 鍾欣桐) (Give You Everything(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Kenji Wu feat. Gillian Chung))
放鬆森林旋律 (Relax Forest Melody)
台北的某個地方(鋼琴版)(原唱:陳綺貞) (Somewhere, Taipei(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Cheer Chen))
太陽(鋼琴版)(原唱:陳綺貞) (Immortal(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Cheer Chen))
做一天的你(鋼琴版)(原唱:蔡依林) (Be You for a Day(Piano Instrumental)(Originally Performed By Jolin Tasi))
閱讀之旅 (Reading Journey)
咖啡廳的夜晚 (Night in the Cafe)