


2023-12-21 · 華語/流行音樂

心累了,腦袋乏了,這不還有身體嗎。邁入不惑之年,那些自怨自艾自傷自憐,在我無足輕重的時空裡,不有趣了,而且,不舒服了。那就再找點別的吧。以前沒做過的那種,也不想太多的那種。-----初生之犢從心出發的露螺,抽離思緒彙集記錄的空,這次,讓身體的直覺帶著自己前進。總有曲折,偶有崎嶇,去除那些規劃、安排、設計、閃躲,8/29那天,在夢中出現的Fujikawa Kyuji是個sign吧。帶著自信迷人又不失禮貌的微笑,給這些自擾的雜亂思慮一場直球宣言。-----Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?睡眠是件重要的事。是讓身體修復合成肌肉的好時機。隨著時間的推進,似乎有其他地方也被漸漸修復著。睡前浮現的那些,常常睡醒就忘了,睡時夢的那些,又好像什麼時候曾經發生過。是虛無的夢,還是終於能暫時卸下所有桎梏的心呢?我們都在各自的夢中赤裸而直接的存在著,感受著,那一場又一場的零和或非零和博弈。------ Dying day (Dying day) The timing of death, like the ending of a story, gives a changed meaning to what preceded it. --Mary Catherine Bateson 只是時間問題。- 午時已到 (It’s high noon) You don't pay a prostitute for sex; you pay her to leave afterwards. --Dashiell Hammett 正面對決,必須。- 尋 (Fathom) Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self. --Cyril Connolly 雙臂之長,不過自我束縛。- 轉去 (Go Back) The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. --Harriet Beecher Stowe 回去吧。什麼都不需要帶,什麼也都不需要留下。- Nothing is real (Nothing is real) Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man. --Friedrich Nietzsche 皆為虛無。幸福如此,痛苦若是。- 好額人 (A rich man) If I am what I have and if what I have is lost, who then am I? --Erich Fromm 像我這樣想幹嘛就幹嘛,無牽無掛富足的人啊,還有什麼好埋怨的呢。- 等啊等 (Wait and wait) We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. --Joseph Campbell 枯樹枝沒花開,房間裡沒雨淋。所有跌跌撞撞的傷都是記憶,都是提醒,但腳是現在的。- 三杯 (Three cups) All is riddle, and the key to a riddle is another riddle. --Ralph Waldo Emerson 帶著記憶重新來過,或總算可以忘記一切?- 若夢若戲 (A dream or drama) Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams? --Alfred Lord Tennyson 如果相信人生如戲亦如夢,什麼都有可能,什麼都沒有,也可能。-----

Dying Day

Dying Day


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