1000 YEARS (千年)

1000 YEARS (千年)


2024-03-28 · 華語/流行音樂

RYCE白米范與海外實力音樂組合Epik High隊長兼主唱TABLO首次攜手演繹《1000 YEARS (千年)》,這是TABLO的首個中文單曲,也是他的中國solo出道首秀! TABLO攜手華語音樂R&B流行歌手J.Sheon推出全新合作曲《1000 YEARS (千年)》!這也是TABLO首次將中文歌詞融入他的音樂世界。 《1000 YEARS (千年)》是一首回憶過往、懷念逝去愛情的音樂作品,當TABLO清冷的聲音響起,字裡行間透露出的寂寞和失落將你拉入一條回溯過去的時空隧道,記憶深處的人和事如同電影一樣開始在眼前緩緩重映,J.Sheon獨具張力的唱腔為歌曲注入了充滿力量的靈魂。 RYCE is proud to announce their first work with TABLO of Epik High! This is the world famous artist's first Chinese single and China debut. TABLO joins with the Chinese R&B artist J.Sheon for a new collaboration 《1000 YEARS (千年)》! This marks TABLOs first time integrating Chinese lyrics into his musical world. "1000 YEARS (千年)" is a musical piece that reminisces about the past and longs for lost love. As TABLO's solemn voice resonates, the loneliness and loss between the lines guide listeners through a nostalgic journey down the corridors of time. As the song unfolds, memories resurface like film scenes. J.Sheon's compelling vocals infuse the song with an impactful soulfulness. “I'll love you, love you for a thousand years.”

1000 YEARS (feat. J.Sheon)

1000 YEARS (feat. J.Sheon)


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