Can You Hear Me 聑

Can You Hear Me 聑


2024-05-08 · 西洋/流行音樂

拾荒者 Scavenger 在这个世界的边缘, 在荒芜奇异的星球, 有一位拾荒者。 On the edge of this world, on a barren, bizarre planet, there dwells a scavenger. 不见得憔神悴力,却穿梭在破坏与重建的循环, 不见得狂言妄谈,却漫游在迷幻与想象的边缘, 不见得黯然蹒跚,却探寻着暗夜中的希冀光束。 Don’t let the worn facade deceive, for his spirit’s unshaken by the duel of crumbing ruins and towers anew. Those words may not be vein, for he’s wandering between dream’s and illusion’s reigns. Not stumbling as he may seem, for he’s searching in the deep night for hope’s gleam. 拾荒者,可以理解为在一个被遗忘的宇宙角落里孤独漂泊、寻找遗失希望、探寻残存价值的人。当理想被现实放逐、人性被意志击溃,拾荒者穿行在末日之下的世界,异星原始物种映入眼帘。打破常规逻辑和法则,于生机与毁灭的边缘挖掘新的生机,以天马行空的想象构建关于人与自然的新家园。 A scavenger can be seen as a lone wanderer in a forgotten corner of the universe, searching for lost hopes and exploring residual worth. When dreams are exiled by reality and humanity crushed by will, the scavenger travels through an apocalyptic world, encountering alien species. Breaking conventional logic and norms, he carves out new possibilities on the brink of life and destruction, building a new haven for humans and nature with boundless imagination. 作为张哲瀚第三张个人专辑,《拾荒者》似乎没有那么“明亮”。在整张专辑的视觉呈现上,深沉色调和阴暗光影为主的基调呈现出一种神秘又令人沉思的氛围。荒凉与遗失、古堡与废墟、破旧与狂乱、古典与现代的元素像无人角落尘封了许久的废旧故事,等待来自深处的凝视、探索与重新开启。 Zhang Zhehan's third solo album, "Scavenger" casts a less “luminous” light. Visually, the album conveys a contemplative and mysterious atmosphere with its deep tones and dark shadows. Elements of desolation and loss, castles and ruins, decrepitude and frenzy, classical and modern, intertwine like long-forgotten stories in a dusty, deserted corner. Waiting to be deeply gazed upon, explored, and revived. 在他的音乐之路上,如果说第一张专辑《深蓝者》像独自潜入静谧深海的低语;第二张专辑《曼陀罗》是蓬勃生长在荒漠,不被浇熄的火种;那《拾荒者》更像以荒蛮又优雅的视角洞察世界,再用双重叠加的灵魂独白诠释人性之复杂多变。 On his musical journey, if his first album "Deep Blue" whispers like a solitary dive into the tranquil deep ocean, and his second album "Datura" blooms vigorously in the desert, like an unquenchable flame; then "Scavenger" views the world with a graceful yet wild perspective, interpreting the complexities of human nature through a layered soliloquy of the soul. 抬头仰望寰宇,有一位拾荒者,且听。 Look up to the cosmos, there stands a scavenger, listen closely. 《Can You Hear Me 聑 》 一座古老城堡矗立山巅,乌鸦时而盘旋在拾荒者指尖,时而停歇在城堡尖顶,似乎为城堡守护着古老秘密。作为专辑首支单曲,歌手在创作上更加大胆和先锋,仅以一句‘Can You Hear Me’为歌词贯穿全曲。 An ancient castle stands atop a hill, with crows sometimes circling around scavenger’s fingertips, and sometimes resting on the castle spires, as if guarding the castle’s ancient secrets. As the first single from the album, the artist takes a more daring and avant-garde approach to the composition, with the entire song build around the single line, “Can You Hear Me.” 是“你能听到我吗?”听什么?听谁说? “Can you hear me?” Listening for what? Listening to whom? 在歌曲里,歌手没有给出具体答案。这不是一个人的心声、不是夜色的诡谲之声、不是城堡呼啸的宿命之声、不是火车汽笛,万物皆可发声,万物即是自己本身。简洁的短语,像宇宙间无数存在的声音,心灵苍穹里的万物独白。 In the song, the singer leaves these questions unanswered. It's not merely a person's inner voice, nor the eerie whispers of the night, nor the destined howling of the castle, nor the whistle of a train. Everything has a voice, and everything is itself. A succinct phrase, resonating everything existing in the universe. A monologue of the mind within the cosmos. 在孤独而又充满渴望的世界中,无论是崇高或荒芜的灵魂都渴望被听见,被听见那些隐秘的情感,落寞的欢愉。而每一个生灵也都可以葆有自己的隐秘之所,那是一片未曾为人知的古堡。《Can You Hear Me 聑》超越言语的界限,时间与空间的局限,完成一次内心自白与外界声音的心灵契约。 In this lonely yet longing-filled world, both noble and desolate souls yearn to be heard, to have those hidden emotions and solitary joys listened to. Each creature has its own secret place, an unknown castle. “Can You Hear Me” transcends the boundaries of language, the limits of time and space, forging a soulful connection between inner confession and the sounds of outer world.

Can You Hear Me 聑

Can You Hear Me 聑


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