
2024-06-14 · 西洋/流行音樂

THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE,是尚未完全的自我,慶憐用這張專輯向每一位聽眾展示他正在走的路,年輕且還需成長,進步而不懼向前。 半血,是慶憐正在經歷的一場始於心髒、途經全身,是【舊】時與【新】生血液過渡轉換的過程,但這一切並不是拋卻過去,而是在創造一個更加多樣的自我。 東方西方的交融,賦予慶憐的是更加大膽的理念和狂想,不同的語言在耳邊回蕩,不同的文化在眼前展開,正因為這些多元且未知的可能性,才讓慶憐更加清楚的知道,對於現在的自己,【新】與【舊】從來不是選擇題。 這一刻,站在【新】與【舊】之間的慶憐,恰如其分地擁有了兩面,一面是對舊的重塑,另一面則是對新的著迷,一面是擁抱過去理解每一個自己,一面是繼續向前探索新的世界,現在的他,還在路上,還需尋找,還要完善。 這張專輯,是慶憐正在開啟的未來,身份、道路、選擇,多種組合衍生出全新的冒險,熱愛、成長、變化,都將在THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE裡找到新的答案。 Ch2. The Hero's Trial 試金石 背負壓力,面對質疑,即便如此也敢於向未來開火,一路上總會有不同的聲音,但理解不代表妥協,血脈裡隱藏的不穩定因素有著專屬於自己的驕傲,他會催促你,用自己的方式走出一條愈發清晰的路。 05. Round & Round 繞啊繞 對於這次相遇,已經分不清是現實還是夢境,但源自心髒的活力、朝氣,讓眼中的世界蒙上一層紅色,這一刻,濃鬱色彩帶來的亢奮則成為長久以來從不褪去感官反應,對於她的渴望早就突破緯度的隔閡;這一刻,想要做的就是和她一起,不顧一切地在世界中一圈又一圈奔跑,一次又一次大鬧。 06. Ms. Communication 心意相通 語言會說謊,但身體不會,所以無需語言,熟悉的節奏足以讓我們心靈相通,逐漸升溫的血液,眼底潛藏的渴望,願意做任何事只為了讓你屬於我,希望下次你需要的時候能想起我。 07. Scars 傷疤 學會了接受所有人的質疑,那些教訓,祝福,麻煩,傷疤,都是向前軌跡上一堂堂寫實的課程,但順從畏懼從來不是解決之道,以後的路,依舊要大膽的向前跑。 08. Tonight (Album ver.) 夜 不穩定因素激增,危險又搖曳的氛圍再度升級,更放肆的舞動,更大膽地搖擺,“新”的荷爾蒙宣洩開始在夜晚彌漫開。 THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE is an album that showcases Caelan's ongoing journey of self-discovery and growth. It represents a transition from the past to the present, integrating Eastern and Western influences to create a more diverse identity. Half-blood symobolizes the transition between old and new blood, but it's not about discarding the past; rather, it's about creating a more diverse self. Standing between the old and the new, he embodies a duality of remembrance and fascination, understanding his past while continuing to explore the future. This album marks the beginning of Caelan's future adventures, where love, growth, and change converge to find new answers. Ch2. The Hero's Trial Under pressure, amidst doubts, still daring to march forward. Along the journey, diverse voices arise, yet comprehension doesn't equate to concession. The inherent instability in one's lineage bears its own pride, illuminating a distinct path forward. 05. Round & Round In this encounter, reality blurs with dreams, yet the vibrant energy pulsating within me paints the world crimson. The exhilaration of vivid hues transcends distance, igniting an unyielding desire to be with her. All I crave is to run wild by her side, heedless of consequence. 06. Ms. Communication In any language, miscommunication is inevitable, but our bodies speak without error. Rhythm binds our souls, with blood warming and desires gleaming in our eyes. I'd do anything to make you mine, hoping you'll think of me when you need me again. 07. Scars Learning to accept everyone's doubts, those lessons, blessings, troubles, and scars, are all vivid courses along the trajectory of progress. But yielding to fear has never been the solution. In the future, continue to boldly run forward. 08. Tonight (Album ver.) As uncertainty grows, danger lurks in the air, intensifying the already wild atmosphere. People dance more recklessly, letting loose with newfound energy as night falls.


Round & Round


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