2024-07-25 · 演奏/心靈紓壓
江佳蓁於台灣大學雅頌坊音樂會現場之即興作品,以此曲獻給一位深愛其妻的聽眾先生。 我望著撲面而來的壯麗水勢,感受的卻是牽著妳的手的微熱溫度。 三十年前,一路從紐約開往尼加拉瓜大瀑布,相伴的只有我們彼此與整路滿滿的楓葉,似乎上天知曉了我內心的激動,於是整個世界安靜得彷彿只剩下那無盡的楓紅。 三十年後,這條路上留下相伴的依然是我們彼此,人生的路曲折宛轉,不變的是我們緊緊牽著的手。 如果可以,一次就好,我多麽想,再跟妳回到那時的尼加拉瓜瀑布? Live improvisation by Chia-Chen Chiang in a concert in “The Odeum” at the National Taiwan University, dedicated to a listener deeply in love with his wife. The glorious waters fell before my very eyes, but all I felt was the gentle warmth of your hand in mine. Thirty years ago, we drove all the way from New York to Niagara Falls, with only each other for company and the maple leaves paving the road. It's as if God heard the butterflies in my stomach and muted the whole world, leaving only endless stretches of red in sight. Thirty years on, we are still there for each other, walking down the path of our lives. It's an ever-winding path, but our hands remain firmly clasped. If only I could return to that moment at Niagara Falls just one more time, how I long to be there with you again? Text by Chia-Chen Chiang/江佳蓁 Translation by Qingzhu Weng/翁卿翥