彼此的愛 Our Love
《鹽水大飯店 Hotel Saltwater》影集原聲帶
轉來就好 Come Back Home
The Devouring
腦內劇場 Brain Virtual Theater
The Growing
The Feeding
The Birthing
The Opening
為義受苦 The Suffering Stops Here
橋頭青年合作社 Kiô-á-thâu Youth Cooperative ft.陳以恆
鉸刀 The Scissor
咱來跳舞 Let's Dance
請帖 The Invitation
19最後の夜 The Last Night of 19 - 李堯鐘
咱 Joining the Democratic Movement is like Dancing(《鹽水大飯店》劇集主題曲)ft.孫淑媚
拄開始就是按呢 I Can’t be with You