Stronger Than Ever

Stronger Than Ever

Christina Aguilera







Keeps Gettin' Better: A Decade Of Hits



What you gave me I know you gave me 我知道你給了我什麼 You remind me all the time 你讓我想起了所有的時光 And how you hurt me and you don't see it 你如何的傷害我你卻渾然不知 Again I am the child 我又再次是個孩子了 And though you tell me that you love me 你認為你告訴我你愛我 I can't feel it and I'm afraid to let you down 我無法感受我也很害怕讓你失望 It's all or nothing, I fear that something's wrong 這是全部也甚至是什麼都沒有,我擔心做錯了什麼 I'm tired of walking on eggshells so terrified to fail 我厭倦了如此恐慌與不安 And in order to please you I've abandoned myself 為了迎合你我放棄了自己 And though it used to hurt me when you push me away 當你將我推離時,我卻習慣你傷害我 I'm stronger than ever, you made me this way 你讓我知道我必須更堅強 How I wish you, you suffered less too 我多希望你也嚐到一點苦頭 It tears us both apart 它讓我們倆分開 And it's not pretty the way you criticize me 這也不是個讓你批評我的方式 And how it breaks my heart 我的心多麼受傷呀 And though you tell me that you love me 你認為你告訴我你愛我 I can't feel it and I'm afraid to let you down 我無法感受我也很害怕讓你失望 It's all or nothing, I fear that something's wrong 這是全部也甚至是什麼都沒有,我擔心做錯了什麼 I'm tired of walking on eggshells so terrified to fail 我厭倦了如此恐慌與不安 And in order to please you I've abandoned myself 為了迎合你我放棄了自己 And though it used to hurt me when you push me away 當你將我推離時,我卻習慣你傷害我 I'm stronger than ever, you made me this way 你讓我知道我必須更堅強 How I wish you knew, how much I need you 我多麼渴望你知道我有多麼需要你 I feel like running but I can't abandon you 感覺像是賽跑,但是我不能放棄你 You avoid my gaze, withdraw from me these days 你逃避我的注視,我退出幾天 You punish me for trying to be all that you wanted 你鼓勵我試著做到所有你要的 What more can I do? 我還可以做什麼? I'm tired of walking on eggshells so terrified to fail 我厭倦了如此恐慌與不安 And in order to please you I've abandoned myself 為了迎合你我放棄了自己 And though it used to hurt me when you push me away 當你將我推離時,我卻習慣你傷害我 I'm stronger than ever, you made me this way 你讓我知道我必須更堅強 I'm tired of walking on eggshells so terrified to fail 我厭倦了如此恐慌與不安 And in order to please you I've abandoned myself 為了迎合你我放棄了自己 And though it used to hurt me when you push me away 當你將我推離時,我卻習慣你傷害我 I'm stronger than ever, you made me this way 你讓我知道我必須更堅強
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