Words Of Wisdom

Words Of Wisdom


2Pacalypse Now




Killing us one by one In one way or another American will find a way to eliminate the problem One by one The problem is the troubles in the black youth of the ghettos And one by one we are being wiped off the face of this earth At an extremely alarming rate And even more alarming is the fact that we are not fighting back Brothers, sistas, niggas When I say niggas it is not the nigga we are grown to fear It is not the nigga we say as if it has no meaning But to me It means Never Ignorant Getting Goals Acomplishes, nigga Niggas what are we going to do Walk blind into a line or fight Fight and die if we must like niggas This is for the masses the lower classes The ones you left out, jobs were givin', better livin' But we were kept out Made to feel inferior, but we're the superior Break the chains in out brains that made us fear yah Pledge a legiance to a flag that neglects us Honour a man that who refuses to respect us Emmancipation, proclamation, Please! Nigga just said that to save the nation These are lies that we all accepted Say no to drugs but the governments' keep it Running through our community, killing the unity The war on drugs is a war on you and me And yet they say this is the Home of The Free But if you ask me its all about hyprocracy The constitution, Yo, it don't apply to me Lady Liberty still the bitch lied to me Steady strong nobody's gonna like what I pumpin' But its wrong to keeping someone from learning something So get up, its time to start nation building I'm fed up, we gotta start teaching childern That they can be all that they wanna to be There's much more to life than just poverty This is defaintly ahhh words of wisdom AMERIKA, AMERIKA, AMERIKKKA I charge you with the crime of rape, murder, and assault For suppressing and punishing my people I charge you with robery for robbing me of my history I charge you with false imprisonment for keeping me Trapped in the projects And the jury finds you guilty on all accounts And you are to serve the consequences of your evil schemes Prosecutor do you have any more evidience Words of Wisdom They shine upon the strength of an nation Conquer the enemy on with education Protect thy self, reach with what you wanna do Know thy self, teach what we been through On with the knowledge of the place, then No one will ever oppress this race again No Malcolm X in my history text Why is that? Cause he tried to educate and liberate all blacks Why is Martin Luther King in my book each week? He told blacks, if they get smacked, turn the other cheek I don't get it, so many questions went through my mind I get sweated, They act as if asking questions is a crime But forget it, one day I'm gonna prove them wrong Now every brother had to smother on the welfare line The american dream, though it seems it attainable They're pulling your sleave, don't believe Cause it will strangle yah Pulling the life of your brain, I can't explain Beg as you can obtain from which you came Swear that your mother is living in equality Forgeting your brother that's living her apology Thought they had us beat when they took our kids But the battle ain't over till the black man sings Words of Wisdom But the battle ain't over till the black man sings Words of Wisdom NIGHTMARE thats what I am America's nightmare I am what you made me The hate and evil that you gave me I shine of a reminder of what you have done to my people for Four hundred plus years You should be scared You should be running You should be trying to silence me ha ha But you can not escape fate Well it is my turn to come Just as you rose you shall fall By my hands Amerika, You reap what you sow 2pacalypse America's Nightmare Ice Cube and Da Lench Mob America's Nightmare Above the Law America's Nightmare Paris America's Nightmare Public Enemy America's Nightmare Krs-One America's Nightmare Mutulu Shakur America's Nightmare Geronimo Pratt America's Nightmare Assada Shakur America's Nightmare
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