曾幾何時 我們都在逃跑 There had been times that we ran away
直到失去自我 為過去哀悼 until we lost ourselves, and grief over the past
曾幾何時 我們都在尋找 there had been times we were searching
才發現曾經擁有過的美好 and realize how wonderful it was
緊握著雙手 對未來禱告 hold our hands tight, pray for the future
擁抱著幸福 不在無依無靠 embrace happiness, feeling not alone anymore
享受人生的最後一秒 enjoy the last moment of the life
勇敢面對空虛和寂寥 facing the emptiness and loneliness bravely
帶著勇氣 走向回憶的轉角 with all the strength, walking towards the corner full of memories
帶著回憶 走向未來的軌道 with all the memories, walking on the path towards the future
用生命寫的故事 持續在吟繞 with the melodies in the mind, writing stories with our lives lives