Because i hate you

Because i hate you











Don’t you look at me in my eyes 難道你不願看著我的眼睛 Don’t you forgot all the past 難道你已經忘記了所有的過去 Don’t you pretend to we are the strangers 難道你不是裝出一副我們是陌生人的樣子 Don’t you think i just ignore all of this 難道你以為我真的會忽略且毫不在意這一切 You know i’m tired 你知道我身心疲憊 You know i’m empty 你知道我已經空無一物 Maybe you know 也許你知道 Don’t you love someone in a minute 難道你只需要一分鐘就可以愛上某人 Don’t you find a people normal and sucks 難道你一直都只是在找一個平庸又無能的人 Don’t you only want a male be your boyfriend 難道你只是想要一個人成為你的男朋友,只要他性別是男的就行了 You can forgive his stupid in your life 就這樣,你還完全可以原諒他在你生活中犯下的所有愚蠢和錯誤 You know i’m so sad 你知道我痛苦不堪 You know i’m feeling hurt 你知道我感覺到了傷害 But you just left 但你只是離開了 I will never know how you planned everything 我永遠不會知道你是怎麼計畫這一切的 All the past time i don’t feel you understood me 所有曾經共度的時光 我都感覺不到你能理解我 Suddenly you tell me you just decided to make change 忽然間你只是告訴我 你已經決定了要做些改變 Many years and many words does n’t make any sense to you 多少年和多少說過的話對你來說其實根本就沒有任何意義 Why you don’t support me and always denied me 為什麼你從來不會支持我而總是拒絕和否定著我的一切 Do you feeling happy when you make me down every time? 每次你讓我失落和失望時你真的感到很快樂嗎? You don’t like my everything and you never use your heart to feel 其實你不喜歡我的一切而且你也從來沒有用心去感受過 You only tell me all my efforts were just same and bored 你只是評價說,我所有的努力和嘗試都是一模一樣,無聊至極 Maybe i’m become to be a evil guy 也許我在成為一個魔鬼 But my hatred has been caused because of everything you done 但你所做的一切和我滋生的那些仇恨罪惡也並不是毫不相干 I was fall to pieces and my life were such a mess 我曾經一度崩潰,我的生活也亂七八糟 And i use tomorrow pay for my wired desire today 然後我乾脆用所有的明天去償還自己那些眼前短淺而又千奇百怪的欲望 I say what i thought and i do what i dream for 我怎麼想我就怎麼說,我所做的一切大不了也只是為了自己的夢想和渴望而已 I can’t figure out why we don't think about us... 我始終弄不明白為什麼我們就永遠都不能考慮考慮對方... So i have to be myself till the day i die 所以,我不得不就此做回我自己,直至我死去 I never regret what i done to this world,i never turn my head back 我永遠都不會後悔我對這個世界所做的一切,我也永遠不會回頭 Because of you 這都是因為你 Because i hate you 因為我恨你 Because i hate this world 我恨透了這個世界 Because i hate those dogs 我恨透了那些雜種和狗 Because of you 因為是你 Because i hate you 因為我恨透你了 Because i hate this world 因為我恨這個世界 Because i hate those dogs 因為我恨那些狗 Because i hate you 因為我恨你
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